#1 Smackdown – Smashed Knee (NI) #7 Four – Dead (RIP)
“It started out good... with a textbook play featuring quick blitzing, Death Wish caged by brave players and a safe pass... resulting in a fast TD for the Legends.
But then it went to hell. Four was killed by a villainous Chaos Warrior on their second block of the game. Smackdown was injured and will be cursed with minor pain for the rest of his career... even the redoubtable Death Wish was thrown off the pitch bleeding from multiple wounds.
At the end of the game, 4 Elves made the line-up for the last drive - down 3-1, miserable and beaten... but unbowed.
We play hard. We die hard.
This time we mostly died though.
But then it went to hell. Four was killed by a villainous Chaos Warrior on their second block of the game. Smackdown was injured and will be cursed with minor pain for the rest of his career... even the redoubtable Death Wish was thrown off the pitch bleeding from multiple wounds.
At the end of the game, 4 Elves made the line-up for the last drive - down 3-1, miserable and beaten... but unbowed.
We play hard. We die hard.
This time we mostly died though.
Til next time, Ewolttirrem!”