“I am normally always the one writing the match-reports but I can’t compete with the quality of Clarkin’s report so will keep it short here. First half Nuffle clearly favoured the undead and gave us some nasty surprises with the badly hurt dwarves and the ref ejecting our dirty player. We just barely managed to keep the 0 on our own offense. Than in midgame we got our only really significant lucky break: 0 out of 4 KO’s returned for the undead. This could have been game breaking! And even though we had to use our apo on our best Bull and suffered a niggler for it things looked good late second half. In turn 7 we needed a 3+ pick up and a gfi followed with 2 gfi’s in turn 8 for the touchdown... nothing Clarkin’s outnumbered undead could do to stop this... And with two RR’s left, one for each turn I was feeling confident...
Never underestimate nuffle though... he will always hurt most when you don’t expect it...
Anyways, great game Clarkin! You played very well and were a blast to play against! I’m glad you won the toss as it was me running out of time... Good luck in the rest of the WIL plate and I hope to meet you on the pitch again! ”
We're up against higher rated chaos dwarves under bascrebolder's coaching so have spent some of our pile-o-cash on Count Von Drakenborg. Our DP niggles out while their niggler can play, and we are chosen to kick.
Our kicker wight places the kick perfectly on the sideline beside their endzone, slowing down their offence considerably. They need a GFI for their hobgob at the back to reach it, but he trips over with a double one! They grab it on turn 2, but we now have several players into their half and it's starting to look quite dangerous for them. They have KO'd three of our players now, but managed to get their DP/leader hobgob sent off on their only foul. They do manage to push forwards quite well, their block/BT/tackle centaur proving a key part of the equation. Our rookie mummy manages a BH on a dwarf for a skillup- nice! Their centaur then manages to KO the count- uh oh -this could make a huge difference!
They switch sides then and make a break for it on turn 6. With some chainpushing and a few good 2d blocks, we're able to get a tackler and a ghoul marking their dodge-hobgob holding the ball, but can't blitz him (he hasn't been blocked all half). They use 4 dice trying to knock over another wight in the way of a clear dodge- but have to push him against the ball carrier making it a 4+ dodge to get by... and he trips over and KO's himself!
We run the ball into range of their endzone, but drop the handoff to a ghoul. We then get another BH on a dwarf. Turn 8 and our only chance is a 4+ pickup in a tackle zone, and out of RRs we unfortunately can't make it.
4/4 of our KO box fail to wake up, including the count - disaster! We set up 11 vs 10 and max scatter on their kick lets us hand the ball to a ghoul as we push forwards. A great second turn by them sees them blitz the ghoul with their centaur, badly hurting him! We counter with a mummy- badly hurting the centaur (quick revenge!) - so they use their apo to keep him on the pitch. They then remove another FOUR players in the next two turns leaving us outnumbered 10 to 6... and things look impossible for us. Turn 6 and a mummy is KO'd leaving us just 5 players vs 10 as they snatch up the ball and run it to the halfway line.. but drop the handoff! If we can just delay them by another turn it might be enough... we desperately dodge players nearish the ball trying to tie up as many of them as possible. They grab the ball on turn 7, using a reroll to do so and run for our endzone... they will need 3 GFIs to make it before the final whistle so have to go for one this turn.. and trip up! Massive let off for us! It's going to be extra time now- so we go for a little damage, and manage to niggle a hobgoblin!
*** EXTRA TIME ***
We have 7 players in our KO box, including a mummy and the count so wake up rolls are key... and we make 4, including the count but not the mummy. The chaos dwarves are also chosen to kick and both teams have 0 rerolls. A fortunate turn of events for us as we set up 11 vs 9.
Unfortunately at this point we've been playing for 2 hours and bascrebolder won't be able to continue; continuing later in the week isn't an option either. We have a chat with one of the WIL organisers and decide the fairest option is to click through the remaining turns and make it a draw + a cointoss.
We fortunately win the cointoss and so advance. Great game Bascrebolder, a shame we couldn't finish it off, but I'm sure we'll have a rematch in the future! ”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Never underestimate nuffle though... he will always hurt most when you don’t expect it...
Anyways, great game Clarkin! You played very well and were a blast to play against! I’m glad you won the toss as it was me running out of time... Good luck in the rest of the WIL plate and I hope to meet you on the pitch again!