#9 Agent Z – Smashed Knee (NI) #12 Agent Q – Dead (RIP)
“MIB were called into action for a special mission (Crown of Sand), where they had infiltrated the base of the Chaos Dwarves.
The Chaos Dwarves attacked first, with the agents trying to break through their lines, but all early attempts by the agents failed badly. Finally after struggling to break through MIB called in air support (Wizard) and broke the ball free. They were unable to take advantage of the situation, with the Chaos Dwarves pushing their advantage. Just when it looked like all hope was lost one of the Chaos Dwarves made a crucial mistake and Field Agent Young lept into action, bringing the ball away for 1-0. With not enough time for a reply, both sides took some respite.
After the break MIB launched their own attack down the flanks. The Chaos Dwarves quickly manouvered to close the agents down, but Field Agent Young found a gap and scored for 2-0. The Chaos Dwarves were short on time and on their next attack quckly pushed forward, but this left a chance for the agents to break through, which they did for 3-0. Again the Chaos Dwarves attacked, but again the agents somehow came away with the ball for 4-0, as the battle came to a close.
With one agent slain in the course of his duty and another seriously wounded, the vistory had not been without cost, but this was a serious mission and the agents would have to press on, regardless of the risks.
(All in all a very tight game, which started well with my Leap, Dauntless gutter getting Iron man. I had some early failures as maznaz took control, but as it worked out the delays went in my favour as I luckily came away with the ball for 1-0, with no time for a reply at half time.)
Thanks again for the game maz, see you in the box!”
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The Chaos Dwarves attacked first, with the agents trying to break through their lines, but all early attempts by the agents failed badly. Finally after struggling to break through MIB called in air support (Wizard) and broke the ball free. They were unable to take advantage of the situation, with the Chaos Dwarves pushing their advantage. Just when it looked like all hope was lost one of the Chaos Dwarves made a crucial mistake and Field Agent Young lept into action, bringing the ball away for 1-0. With not enough time for a reply, both sides took some respite.
After the break MIB launched their own attack down the flanks. The Chaos Dwarves quickly manouvered to close the agents down, but Field Agent Young found a gap and scored for 2-0. The Chaos Dwarves were short on time and on their next attack quckly pushed forward, but this left a chance for the agents to break through, which they did for 3-0. Again the Chaos Dwarves attacked, but again the agents somehow came away with the ball for 4-0, as the battle came to a close.
With one agent slain in the course of his duty and another seriously wounded, the vistory had not been without cost, but this was a serious mission and the agents would have to press on, regardless of the risks.
(All in all a very tight game, which started well with my Leap, Dauntless gutter getting Iron man. I had some early failures as maznaz took control, but as it worked out the delays went in my favour as I luckily came away with the ball for 1-0, with no time for a reply at half time.)
Thanks again for the game maz, see you in the box!”