“A game not beautiful, but which guaranteed some fun for both. A loss would have deprived both contenders of something, but I can say that my defense played a great game. I was lucky to neutralize a couple of claws and to avoid serious damages. I can say that I dominated the trenches, reducing at minimum the risks of being outplayed. The 5 turns of Gref helped me a lot to reduce my opponent to impotence and to obliterate his fearful offense. Luck did not certainly help my opponent, which made a couple of turnovers very strange (2 times he rolled block-skull with his Rogre). I dare to say that luck did not help even me (the Gref was for both...I was just more skillful in fouling inlarge advantage), because I went very close to a larson (failed an INT because my opponent fumbled a long pass) and could have won this game. But losing because my DP makes 3 straight CAS would have been not correct for my opponent. For sure I passed few AVs and was forced to recur to my witch to draw the game, but all my opponent's players reentered from KO (8/9) and he found a TD quite fortunate because I rolled 4blocks with a 2dice block on a naked lino to get to the ball. But this is the game, and let's say that the sure skill of my opponent and his marvelous roster saved him from a defeat. But I'm quite sure that in an eventual rematch I will lose vs such a gifted team and so good coach.”