Then they accidentally win and have to face some dp-heavy Undead (or Khemri?) team.
I wanted to hand off the ball to my 4 spp blitzer in T16.
I figured that I needed some skills if I wanted a decent shot at the title.
Alas; not even with RR he made it.
On the bright side;
Not only did my apo work on the niggled Troll, I finally got enough cash for a 4th blitzer.
Now all I need is the 4th BOB and I have a proper Orc team again!”
First they suffer 2 deaths. (one apoth fail)
Then they accidentally win and have to face some dp-heavy Undead (or Khemri?) team.
I wanted to hand off the ball to my 4 spp blitzer in T16.
I figured that I needed some skills if I wanted a decent shot at the title.
Alas; not even with RR he made it.
On the bright side;
Not only did my apo work on the niggled Troll, I finally got enough cash for a 4th blitzer.
Now all I need is the 4th BOB and I have a proper Orc team again!”