“Once again my booty babes had the honour of playing the immortal charioteers!
Nuffle smiled on my team, which was put down to it being Captain Calcium's 37th birthday! Always brutal, always fun! And I was further honoured with being inducted into the charioteers! Without a doubt the proudest moment of my FUMBBL career to date!
“Torn between the living and dead, The charioteers race upon water to bring punishment, pain, and bloodbowl to the world's bootiest pirates! You say chariots can float? I say unto thee, NAY! When the four winds of Hell drive ye tirelessly...anything can happen!
But we were out of our element upon the seven seas of fate! And the booty was our to give! Pwn'd by savage women....our worst nightmare...our loveliest dream.
Slaughtered beyond his mother's recognition is Taron Swiftblade! Bleed dry and let thy blood sink into the earth! Go down below to the lands of the foresaken, and Hail the return of a deadly charioteer! Cross the deserts of despair, and bring news to the dark ones, that the armies of the living are almost complete. 15 now ride our ranks! We bring into the crew, Booty Thug and Nasty Neil!
DeMaio "next time men...get drunk AFTER the game! We could have tied this score easily if it wasn't for the blundering hands of Biondi! Today I place the yoke upon your neck...pull my chariot! And ponder the art of bloodbowl!"
Now let lust and power...drive the war machines!”
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Nuffle smiled on my team, which was put down to it being Captain Calcium's 37th birthday! Always brutal, always fun! And I was further honoured with being inducted into the charioteers! Without a doubt the proudest moment of my FUMBBL career to date!