“Oh no! I got diced! I can't believe <insert calamity here> <insert number of times>. Teh internetz r out to get me! I did <insert dumb thing> and it didn't work so RNG fails!
In all seriousness, despite the numbers, things didn't go that badly for me or that well for Kazak, though he got a bit more than his fair share of the POW. The TS different told in the end (Editor's note: he challenged me up 20TS in full knowledge, needing a recovery game...apparently orcs are a light snack for khemri-monsters, I guess it worked though since I hardly dented him)
I had expected more of a foul-war than I got, with 2 DPs per side, but I hardly knocked down any mummies all game (and rolled up a nice 1,1+7 on the one I fouled) and nothing else was a good enough target to single out.
GG Kazak. Glad to be of service.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
In all seriousness, despite the numbers, things didn't go that badly for me or that well for Kazak, though he got a bit more than his fair share of the POW. The TS different told in the end (Editor's note: he challenged me up 20TS in full knowledge, needing a recovery game...apparently orcs are a light snack for khemri-monsters, I guess it worked though since I hardly dented him)
I had expected more of a foul-war than I got, with 2 DPs per side, but I hardly knocked down any mummies all game (and rolled up a nice 1,1+7 on the one I fouled) and nothing else was a good enough target to single out.
GG Kazak. Glad to be of service.”