“Statistically, you fail to score one of 1296 otherwise dead certain turn 8 touchdown attempts due to a doubleskulls rr doubleskulls. This game saw that very special 1296th attempt.
Not that the undead had much better dice, mind you. Second half they politely rolled there share as well and the dorfs, ever humble as they are, refused to capitalize on the situation and retaliated with more doubleskulls themselves, ending the second half with a final doubleskulls.
Definitely a game which specs probably would have enjoyed much (apart from the fact that neither dwarf nor mummy got killed).
I'd also like to mention that 7 out of 9 longbeards threw exactly 8 blocks.”
Not that the undead had much better dice, mind you. Second half they politely rolled there share as well and the dorfs, ever humble as they are, refused to capitalize on the situation and retaliated with more doubleskulls themselves, ending the second half with a final doubleskulls.
Definitely a game which specs probably would have enjoyed much (apart from the fact that neither dwarf nor mummy got killed).
I'd also like to mention that 7 out of 9 longbeards threw exactly 8 blocks.”