You don't play 300TR teams every day, so I hired the Lord and a wizard. The wizard turned out to be a waste because of my luck, but I think my vampires never looked better! :)
But not for long though. My only blodge vampire got killed in T2 and regen failed ... But first things first: the handicaps. They were really a game winner today. Doom and Gloom so only two rr's left for the elves and It wasn't me on the second MB blitzer. The first failed his niggle roll.
My vampires traveled a long time straight from the last FC to the Isles of Ulthuan to get a lantern, but the elves didn't play for even longer. It was almost 2 years ago since they played and you could notice it. They rolled tons of ones and their armour was very rusty.
So although two vampires got killed early on (one regen) and a thrall got KO, I managed to keep it 0-0 till half time. The wizard was still left too. Some HG moves almost gave me the ball, but wouldn't be very fair if I would have scored.
The second half would turn out to be not that hard. 8 guys against and wizard and Lord still left. Thought that I'd just give the ball to the Lord and stall till T16. A blitz! almost stopped that plan, but another 1 for the elves so no hands on the ball. Could blitz the elves away and pick up the ball with the Lord. All in all I could grind it fairly easy from there on. When vampires have the luck they need, it is an awesome team. When they don't ... well, we all know what happens then. :)
I used my wizard in T16 while I was thinking that an injury time would make me need him ... And BAM: injury time. But another 1 on a gfi made it safe. Too bad that I hired a wizard I guess: 50K wasted. But a 6 on the winnings and another str on my rookie thrall made me forget all this. Great post-game rolls.
Thanks for a very fun game, DanTitan. Better luck next time.
Ps: First in CR with vampires after this game! Wooptidoo!”
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But can blame only the luck, i havent played that much lately and not only the armours where rusty... :D
Good luck with the Tourney, you have won the game and a friend on this side of the screen!”