“A real tough matchup only 3 mummies on this team but two of them had 6 strenght. First half we managed to go up 2-0 after excellent offense and some tenacious defense. However the second half was a different story most of if we were down 3 players including one of the mummies and 1 wight both taking turns in the second half of being in the KO box. However we played good enough defense to force a long drive which almost would have been a possible score for me but my ghoul tripped on a GFI and I had already used a RR that turn. Then my ball handling went to pot and I missed back to back pickups with RRs and couldn't pick it up. Oh well still managed the victory and just 1 mng. So not to bad a game. 4 different players next game are within a CS or TD of skilling. Hopefully we'll get some :)”