#5 Mojo Bloodmaw – Broken Ribs (MNG) #16 Lil Gimp – Broken Ribs (MNG) #6 Beserker – Dead (RIP)
“Its Faction league so being 100 ts behind is what its all about but its the following that make some opponents seem really lame and some games really not fun.
(1) Gets very lucky with handicaps (5 for me) with virus the only useful cap to take one player out, 'I didn't do it' chose a blocking lino over 8 other 70-100 spp players...
(2) Does nothing but bash bash bash almost the entire game even to the point of forgoing a td and bashing endlessly. They are orcs and as im playing with orcs i get it... thats not the issue... i'm getting there.
(3) He then tells me he made this monster team (very high spp BO's and Blitzers) by playing against Elves in a league... so he basically grew a team by playing non-bashy elven teams and just skilled up players with little casualties. Almost to the point...
(4) After no injuries (except MNG gobbo but that is so not even worthy of speaking about!) for 11 turns after what must have been his 100th block, he kills a blitzer and then says 'oh i'm so sorry i didn't want an apo fail'... now by this time he was 11 to something like 6 or 7 players and he was still moving players around with nothing more than bashing in every conceivable place he can... and he says that... the game was always going to be a win to him and by no means do i have any issue whatsoever about being bashed, injured and killed but to honestly think you aren't going to cause casualties to a team by going out of your way to bash every single solitary player he could find just makes my head hurt...
Scoring first was a fun little victory but i left the game with a bad taste in my mouth... but he got to bash some orcs which must have been a change from elves...
Coaches Note: Actually mate i didn't complain one bit. I asked for you to stop yabbering and finish the game. At no point did i ask you to stop blocking yet you did so for the last 3 turns... so question... if you say its the way you play why then did you stop with 3 turns to go? I never asked or even suggested you should stop playing... i just find hitting players every time then saying your sorry you killed a player rather sad... show me a coach who wouldn't think the same... but then trying to change what you said in game to save face here kinda shows all i need to know about you as a BB player. Good luck.
EDIT: Still trying to prove something that means nothing... well worth it.”
(1) Gets very lucky with handicaps (5 for me) with virus the only useful cap to take one player out, 'I didn't do it' chose a blocking lino over 8 other 70-100 spp players...
(2) Does nothing but bash bash bash almost the entire game even to the point of forgoing a td and bashing endlessly. They are orcs and as im playing with orcs i get it... thats not the issue... i'm getting there.
(3) He then tells me he made this monster team (very high spp BO's and Blitzers) by playing against Elves in a league... so he basically grew a team by playing non-bashy elven teams and just skilled up players with little casualties. Almost to the point...
(4) After no injuries (except MNG gobbo but that is so not even worthy of speaking about!) for 11 turns after what must have been his 100th block, he kills a blitzer and then says 'oh i'm so sorry i didn't want an apo fail'... now by this time he was 11 to something like 6 or 7 players and he was still moving players around with nothing more than bashing in every conceivable place he can... and he says that... the game was always going to be a win to him and by no means do i have any issue whatsoever about being bashed, injured and killed but to honestly think you aren't going to cause casualties to a team by going out of your way to bash every single solitary player he could find just makes my head hurt...
Scoring first was a fun little victory but i left the game with a bad taste in my mouth... but he got to bash some orcs which must have been a change from elves...
Coaches Note: Actually mate i didn't complain one bit. I asked for you to stop yabbering and finish the game. At no point did i ask you to stop blocking yet you did so for the last 3 turns... so question... if you say its the way you play why then did you stop with 3 turns to go? I never asked or even suggested you should stop playing... i just find hitting players every time then saying your sorry you killed a player rather sad... show me a coach who wouldn't think the same... but then trying to change what you said in game to save face here kinda shows all i need to know about you as a BB player. Good luck.
EDIT: Still trying to prove something that means nothing... well worth it.”