#12 The Hammer – Broken Ribs (MNG) #12 The Hammer – Smashed Knee (NI)
“I must've been having a brainfart, can't recall coaching so poorly ever, many needless dodges, misclicks and poor decisions.Can also honestly say, luck wasn't on my side at all, rolling 20+ 1's and more then average skulls failing even moderate strategies. All of those factors plus the lizards utilizing stalling tactics with considerable ease made this a real black day in the Tungsten Wolves books.
Hope next game goes better whilst our managers resolve funding to hire an ogre that isn't made of porcelein.
The coach was seen diving headfirst into the nearest bar to drink this game out of his memories.”
Hope next game goes better whilst our managers resolve funding to hire an ogre that isn't made of porcelein.
The coach was seen diving headfirst into the nearest bar to drink this game out of his memories.”