Blistering heat forces the many fans to break out the sunglasses and big hats as the teams set up for the opening kick off, CDB recieving after winning the coin toss.
Ignoring the heat, fans, and everything else the Masters Blitz across the line before the ball even lands on the pitch. Varag Ghoul Chewer, one of the greatest orc blitzers of all time, falters a bit the first few turns no doubt wondering what he's doing on a pitch with these veritable rookies and so few players. The first half becomes a steady drive of the Masters grinding CDB inspired as the ref seems to favor the Masters early when he ejects Hobo III on the first foul of the game. Finally to score on turn 8 with a defensive TD, seemingly to stall a turn or three to try and Mangle a few more players. We are treated to some spectacular hoofwork by Gobbo III and the Mighty Hthark in attempts to get the ball back, but the Masters show a rare cunningness in positioning and manage to stay clear for the score.
The stall tactics prove to be a mistake for the Masters the players come out to start the second half, it seems that a full half of the Masters squad has succumbed to the oppressive heat. Over on the CDB bench they are havign problems of their own as both KOed players decide they aren't ready to come back yet and the last hobgoblin falls to the heat as well. It's supposed to be BB 7's but for the second half it starts as 4 vs 3.
Some people argue that Bull Centaurs are the best players in the game...well this half certainly tried to prove it. The entire half Hthark the Unstoppable proves to be just that...with several attempts the Masters just can't bring him down. Hthark and Gobo III even manage to KO a couple of Masters after the Masters show a blunder in coaching ability...first in using their wizard to try and clear up the ball. The wizard says lighting bolt, but the Masters coach decides to be greedy and try to get both bulls in one shot and goes for the fireball...which completely fails in the already sweltering heat. Next blunder (to my ultimate shame) the BoB Skeletor tries to bring down the remaining CDblocker on the pitch rolling dbl skulls to which I instinctively hit reroll...only to realize that our leader Varag is sitting on the bench from the heat (bloody client bug). Thankfully i realize right away my error and end turn even as my worthy opponent suggests it. The following turn upon suggestion of Windex, Skeletor continues to stand there as if he'd only gotten up from being down. (Actually gonna be glad to go back to no rerolls so that things like this have far less of a chance of happening) Thankfully Hthark finally manages to pick up the ball after this and takes it on down to tie the game up on adefensive TD for CDB forcing OT.
All looks well for CDB as they again win the cointoss and recieve for OT, carrying over 2 rerolls from regulation time to the Masters none and even a couple hobgobs back. A rare wild kick by the Masters even gives CBS a touchback!!! which of course goes into the waiting hands of Hthark. It's then that they look up to realize they are without any of their blockers and the Masters, finally adjusted to the heat, are back to full strength and rather angry to still be playing apparently. Non-flussed, Hthark wades right into the fray with his unstoppable ego leading the way. Only to be brought down and KOed on the first turn by Varag Ghoul Chewer who apparently figured out it doesn't matter how many players there are as long as you're hitting something. The loss of Hthark proves to be too much for the CDB as the remaining 3 players are systematically removed leaving none on the pitch by turn 6. In a last ditch effort to hold a tie windexchugger finally fires off hiw wizard, managing to knock over Trap Jaw, one turn to early however as there is just enough room left for Orko III, the Masters true star to grab the ball and take it in for the win.
I wish all the best to WindexChugger with the squad and look forward to the rematch in minis. As always a very tough yet fun opponent.”
Blistering heat forces the many fans to break out the sunglasses and big hats as the teams set up for the opening kick off, CDB recieving after winning the coin toss.
Ignoring the heat, fans, and everything else the Masters Blitz across the line before the ball even lands on the pitch. Varag Ghoul Chewer, one of the greatest orc blitzers of all time, falters a bit the first few turns no doubt wondering what he's doing on a pitch with these veritable rookies and so few players. The first half becomes a steady drive of the Masters grinding CDB inspired as the ref seems to favor the Masters early when he ejects Hobo III on the first foul of the game. Finally to score on turn 8 with a defensive TD, seemingly to stall a turn or three to try and Mangle a few more players. We are treated to some spectacular hoofwork by Gobbo III and the Mighty Hthark in attempts to get the ball back, but the Masters show a rare cunningness in positioning and manage to stay clear for the score.
The stall tactics prove to be a mistake for the Masters the players come out to start the second half, it seems that a full half of the Masters squad has succumbed to the oppressive heat. Over on the CDB bench they are havign problems of their own as both KOed players decide they aren't ready to come back yet and the last hobgoblin falls to the heat as well. It's supposed to be BB 7's but for the second half it starts as 4 vs 3.
Some people argue that Bull Centaurs are the best players in the game...well this half certainly tried to prove it. The entire half Hthark the Unstoppable proves to be just that...with several attempts the Masters just can't bring him down. Hthark and Gobo III even manage to KO a couple of Masters after the Masters show a blunder in coaching ability...first in using their wizard to try and clear up the ball. The wizard says lighting bolt, but the Masters coach decides to be greedy and try to get both bulls in one shot and goes for the fireball...which completely fails in the already sweltering heat. Next blunder (to my ultimate shame) the BoB Skeletor tries to bring down the remaining CDblocker on the pitch rolling dbl skulls to which I instinctively hit reroll...only to realize that our leader Varag is sitting on the bench from the heat (bloody client bug). Thankfully i realize right away my error and end turn even as my worthy opponent suggests it. The following turn upon suggestion of Windex, Skeletor continues to stand there as if he'd only gotten up from being down. (Actually gonna be glad to go back to no rerolls so that things like this have far less of a chance of happening) Thankfully Hthark finally manages to pick up the ball after this and takes it on down to tie the game up on adefensive TD for CDB forcing OT.
All looks well for CDB as they again win the cointoss and recieve for OT, carrying over 2 rerolls from regulation time to the Masters none and even a couple hobgobs back. A rare wild kick by the Masters even gives CBS a touchback!!! which of course goes into the waiting hands of Hthark. It's then that they look up to realize they are without any of their blockers and the Masters, finally adjusted to the heat, are back to full strength and rather angry to still be playing apparently. Non-flussed, Hthark wades right into the fray with his unstoppable ego leading the way. Only to be brought down and KOed on the first turn by Varag Ghoul Chewer who apparently figured out it doesn't matter how many players there are as long as you're hitting something. The loss of Hthark proves to be too much for the CDB as the remaining 3 players are systematically removed leaving none on the pitch by turn 6. In a last ditch effort to hold a tie windexchugger finally fires off hiw wizard, managing to knock over Trap Jaw, one turn to early however as there is just enough room left for Orko III, the Masters true star to grab the ball and take it in for the win.
I wish all the best to WindexChugger with the squad and look forward to the rematch in minis. As always a very tough yet fun opponent.”