“Two weeks vacation is enough to do wonders for any team... except the Gnadsmashers. After 14 days on the beautiful beaches of antarctica, the boys jumped back into the fray.... this time, the challenger was Wuhan "the MEAN" and his Monkeywrenchers.
Star Ogre Plitzet was knocked out VERY early in the match.. it did not look serious, but he missed the entire game (an investigation in currently underway... something is suspicious bout that whole affair.)
The orcs took an early lead. They simply overpowered the Norsemen. It was a very physical game (as is EVERY game with the Gnadsmashers.) Late in the second half, Slava found his way into the endzone to tie the score. It was an innocent looking play, and i think the orcs were caugth of gaurd by it. He simply slipped past them with the ball, facing little resistance.
The second half was UGLY. The orcs were not pleased with the way things were going, so they got physical. Very Physical. They hammered the norse line with everything they had. They moved the ball quickly up the middle of the field. As one of the orcs finally broke free into the open field with the ball, things got crazy. In a desperate attempt to asisst his teammates, Slava rushed into the middle of the fray, promptly getting himself killed. The doctors tried to save him, but it was too late.
The orcs marched into the endzone to take a 2-1 lead.
Halfway thru the secon half, the Gnadsmashers are losing, only seven norsemen left to fight eleven orcs.... that can only mean ONE thing! NO.. its NOT the rally monkey (i think my opponant has the rights to that, anyway.) It was time to unleash the MOST DESTRUCTIVE FORCE IN BLOOD BOWL.... THE GNADSMASHER FANS!!
The jumbotron flashed its now famous message: "WILL THE DEFENDANTS PLEASE RISE!" On cue, the Gnadsmasher Fans..know throughout the legal system as "the defendants"... took matters into thier own hands. The orcs took a beating. Medics rushed to assist the green meanies, but the damage was done. The Fans had evened the odds for their beloved team... it was now 7 norse vs. 8 orcs.
Unfortuanatly, the Gnadsmashers have not found a way to get thier crowd to score for them. They still lost. 2-1 final score.
There was a lesson learned today. Although we are still not sure what that lesson is, it was still learned. And we gained a great deal of respect for the orc Monkeywrenching team. They play tough. They fight hard. and they provided our fans with great entertainment for their money. After all... its all about the fans.”
Star Ogre Plitzet was knocked out VERY early in the match.. it did not look serious, but he missed the entire game (an investigation in currently underway... something is suspicious bout that whole affair.)
The orcs took an early lead. They simply overpowered the Norsemen. It was a very physical game (as is EVERY game with the Gnadsmashers.) Late in the second half, Slava found his way into the endzone to tie the score. It was an innocent looking play, and i think the orcs were caugth of gaurd by it. He simply slipped past them with the ball, facing little resistance.
The second half was UGLY. The orcs were not pleased with the way things were going, so they got physical. Very Physical. They hammered the norse line with everything they had. They moved the ball quickly up the middle of the field. As one of the orcs finally broke free into the open field with the ball, things got crazy. In a desperate attempt to asisst his teammates, Slava rushed into the middle of the fray, promptly getting himself killed. The doctors tried to save him, but it was too late.
The orcs marched into the endzone to take a 2-1 lead.
Halfway thru the secon half, the Gnadsmashers are losing, only seven norsemen left to fight eleven orcs.... that can only mean ONE thing! NO.. its NOT the rally monkey (i think my opponant has the rights to that, anyway.) It was time to unleash the MOST DESTRUCTIVE FORCE IN BLOOD BOWL.... THE GNADSMASHER FANS!!
The jumbotron flashed its now famous message: "WILL THE DEFENDANTS PLEASE RISE!" On cue, the Gnadsmasher Fans..know throughout the legal system as "the defendants"... took matters into thier own hands. The orcs took a beating. Medics rushed to assist the green meanies, but the damage was done. The Fans had evened the odds for their beloved team... it was now 7 norse vs. 8 orcs.
Unfortuanatly, the Gnadsmashers have not found a way to get thier crowd to score for them. They still lost. 2-1 final score.
There was a lesson learned today. Although we are still not sure what that lesson is, it was still learned. And we gained a great deal of respect for the orc Monkeywrenching team. They play tough. They fight hard. and they provided our fans with great entertainment for their money. After all... its all about the fans.”