CTV 2110k Norse
Norse CTV 1930k
#2 Akii, Demaio Avatar – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#14 Huki, Sharptongue Avatar – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#3 Xormlad Sigurdarson of the Wild Lagoon Sisterhood – Dead (RIP)
#11 Cabedin Sigurdarson – Dead (RIP)
#13 Tvrtko – Dead (RIP)
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The first game of the XFL sees two viking teams clash at full speed and break bones and sinews. 12 casualties marks sacrifice to the gods of war!
Hail to Brutus, Berserker Eric and Brother Logan! Each bests a breatheren in battle and lays claim to his head and bounty! Immortal is thy hatred, and fame! Let Berserker Eric upgrade to mightyblow! And Brother Logan upgrades to 4ST! Becoming the third brother of the wheel to enter greatness!
And to the Dark Avenger who lays deep the Horns of Doom into the neck of their minotaur, upgrade demon of darkness...to guard! Never fail thy brother at your side!
A clash to the very end! overtime in the rain! one last failed getup from the minotaur proved our folly and our defeat. For this...another journey of a thousand miles, til the XFL! No glory this day...ponder hard upon the road to Hell thy error!”