CTV 2110k Amazon
Chaos CTV 2100k
#4 Alcippe Powerful Mare – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#12 Molpadia Death Song – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#12 Molpadia Death Song – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#14 Xanthippe the Yellow Mare – Dead (RIP)
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Our tactic was wrong as we tried to hit Mort Avaritia as hard as we could in the first few turns to try to reduce their numbers since they only had 10 players, however by T3 i was already running out of players as Mort Avaritia was blocking so well.
The claw/mb/ tackle combo was frightening throughout the game and ripped through the Blood warriors like toilet paper and at ease.
Worse still i was unable to make most of my KO rolls so pretty much trying to play damaged limitation much of the game.
Well played OB and I am sure a quick return to the prem awaits, hopefully can give a better showing next time we play.
3pts - Trevor Swan - mb/claw/tackle need a say anymore hehe
2pts - Richard Randall - ditto and as much damage too
1pt - Robert Cotton - 2TDs sweet
Was never really at the races and perhaps played too defensively in the end to ”