Not the game the fans hoped for, with three members of the team missing the big game and Whiffy deciding 'It Wasn't Him' the Super Rats only fielded eight players. Despite this, the eight rats left on the field threw themselves into the action with fearless abandon, culminating in the end with only two Gutter Runners on the field and the Norse in position.
The position was hopeless, or was it...?
Our superstar Runner blitzed with his Dauntless Horn combination, spilled the ball, and our AG5 Gutter ran through everyone to eventually set up Broken Circuits to score his second TD with just the two players on the pitch! He skilled, didn't age, and the fans spent the whole night in the streets drinking and stealing as all good Skaven do! Except for our Speshul Boy, who managed to hospitalise himself after 'Going For It'... :)”
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Not the game the fans hoped for, with three members of the team missing the big game and Whiffy deciding 'It Wasn't Him' the Super Rats only fielded eight players. Despite this, the eight rats left on the field threw themselves into the action with fearless abandon, culminating in the end with only two Gutter Runners on the field and the Norse in position.
The position was hopeless, or was it...?
Our superstar Runner blitzed with his Dauntless Horn combination, spilled the ball, and our AG5 Gutter ran through everyone to eventually set up Broken Circuits to score his second TD with just the two players on the pitch! He skilled, didn't age, and the fans spent the whole night in the streets drinking and stealing as all good Skaven do! Except for our Speshul Boy, who managed to hospitalise himself after 'Going For It'... :)”