CTV 2990k Dark Elf
Chaos CTV 2520k
#8 Rexulded Moonrat – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#8 Rexulded Moonrat – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#9 Zalau II – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#9 Zalau II – Smashed Knee (NI)
#11 Geller – Broken Ribs (MNG)
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first 4 turns going well for both team, with one lucky hit fo the darkis vs a cw.
the 1st action on turn 4 came up with a snake dodge for the dark elves.
this started a quite impressive streak of unpleasant rolls for the darkis and a monstrous pow and cas/ko parade for the chaos.
t6 another snake to dodge for the ball left the darkis open for more punishment. the boyz consequently used the opportunity and took out 3 more darkis on that turn, leaving the wicked witches with 4 remaining players. no sense in using wiz and td scored for the chaos in t7.
no guard left and the other witch already out results in almost no chance to OT with the ma9 witch. but all brainaction wasted anyways, because a Blitz! result came up as the kick off and the witches had to secure the ball to make sure, that they dont receive the 2:0 in their drive :/
ht2: 9 darkis showed up.
more pows for the chaos beasts and more darkis leaving the pitch. the ma9 witch could blitz the ballcarrier but both down RR both down.
an incomplete cage followed, where the wiz was used on. 2 players under the template 1 and 3. no player down! awesome wiz. desperate moves followed which resulted in the darkis ball possession! more carnage and pows from the chaos. a freeing blitz and pass to the ma9 witch lead to 1:1.. wohoo 52% after that action..
8 chaos vs 5 darkis now. 3 turns remaining to decide the game.
nothing notewothy happened except for the 2nd blitz! in t16 to destroy even the slightest hope. the 2 gfi the Td the turn before was no problem for the chaos either.
unfortunately a onesided game in every possible manner.
if dice are so imbalanced the game usally wont be that good.
gl next round