CTV 2310k Norse
Lizardmen CTV 2500k
#15 Starburst, Biondi Avatar – Dead (RIP)
#7 Sad Blue Hatchling – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#7 Sad Blue Hatchling – Smashed Knee (NI)
#13 Greedy Hatchling – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Dracos Parvus roars with the power of Sillibi, EIGHT mighty giants of war flanked with speed! But the war banner was raised to the heavens...and the power of Hell erupted! Blessed with divine berserker rage, Demaio rules the field! No blade, fist, or razor boot can harm thee! This day shall ring with thy name!
Hail to Bang Fist and Terra Watt who bring this day victory! navigate the pummeling weapons of suarus and score to bring us closer to ultimate glory!
And to Biondi and his Arm of Death(TM), cast far into the void ye go! To be forgotten...NAY...to be heralded as the charioteer patron saint of death! Prince of corpses, you rode hard over 600 games, four years, slew a mighty TWENTY men, beasts, and giants alike! Thy list of heads and avatars were Vaak, Olav, Information, Prod, William, Major Big Foot, Dark Kiss, Sanib Zavil, Roger the Cabin Boy VI, Cerebus, Rafael Enzico, Milus, Draun, The Ice Cream, Chunky Jr, Barkus Dwarfkicker, Apo Fail, North Tribe, and Starburst. Upon a throne of claimed skulls, ye rule the wastes of the forsaken!
DeMaio "Biondi wouldn't want to go any other way....straight into oblivion in a major tourney for all to see! Take thy place by the lords of pain and know this beer is for thee!"