“Finally one of my teams manages to catch a break and boy did they slam the poor skaven...
Turn 4 and more than half of the rats were spread out between the KO, BH and SI boxes and I didnt even cause the SI, the poor rodent ran at me and bounced off my solid armour, and something went snap, que the stretcher and there goes another player!
Commiserations to Jons as it was too much and retired the team due to the amount of injuries, hope you have better luck in your next match dude, all the best!”
Turn 4 and more than half of the rats were spread out between the KO, BH and SI boxes and I didnt even cause the SI, the poor rodent ran at me and bounced off my solid armour, and something went snap, que the stretcher and there goes another player!
Commiserations to Jons as it was too much and retired the team due to the amount of injuries, hope you have better luck in your next match dude, all the best!”