“I'd completely forgotten that this one was much closer than the final score suggests. All I could think at the time was that the damned elves wouldn't stay down!
In the end, it was truly another display of elfish prowess over my stumbling, fumbling bunch of scale-wrapped clowns.
A well deserved victory.
3pts - #13 Bonnie Prince Charlie: 3 pts has to go to this guy. From scoring the first TD to messing up my plays and popping the ball free with impugnity, he was the epitome of a wardancer. Damn him.
2pts - #5 Bloody Mary: Did a wonderful job backing up the Bonnie Prince, always ready to scoop up the ball and toss it down field when it inevitably popped free.
1pts - #3 Robert the Bruce: I knocked this guy down about 5 times in the first half. He stood up again each time. That was one agile bastard tree, man!”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
#3 - naca'Tamalli
#2 - naca'Xoxuhkwi
#1 - o'Lotl”