#3 Croustade – Dead (RIP) #5 Satay II – Dead (RIP)
“Poor Satay II, my +ag 'fling died not once, but twice. That's what happens when people foul 'flings and go for CASs rather than the ball, I guess.
Sir Face was the first thrower with Mighty Blow I've ever seen. He was taken out by Croustade, who ended up sharing his fate. I have no idea how the luck % came out like it did. His catcher (Sir Sa) only failed 2 rolls the entire game (a dodge into 2 TZs and the final dodge to end the game). That's not surprising, unless you look at the player. He has an AG of 2. Yes, a MA 8 Skeleton caught, dodged, scored, dodged and, did I mention, dodged a whole lot.
Unlikely play of the game? There were many, but this one took the cake. I have Satay behind a screen of flings and the ogre with the ball. Sir Face (a thrower with only 1 skill, Mighty Blow) blitzes him and goes through 3 dodges (3+, 4+, and 5+, I believe) with 2 GFIs to throw the first killing blow on Satay (who apothed successfully, thankfully). All without RRs. He follows up (into 3 TZs) and the ball scatters to Sir Face, but he fails the 6+ catch and burns the last TRR trying (unsuccessfully) again.
Naturally, Renni whined about his awful luck not being able to pick up the ball...
Thanks for the game. It was entertaining, if nothing else.”
Sir Face was the first thrower with Mighty Blow I've ever seen. He was taken out by Croustade, who ended up sharing his fate. I have no idea how the luck % came out like it did. His catcher (Sir Sa) only failed 2 rolls the entire game (a dodge into 2 TZs and the final dodge to end the game). That's not surprising, unless you look at the player. He has an AG of 2. Yes, a MA 8 Skeleton caught, dodged, scored, dodged and, did I mention, dodged a whole lot.
Unlikely play of the game? There were many, but this one took the cake. I have Satay behind a screen of flings and the ogre with the ball. Sir Face (a thrower with only 1 skill, Mighty Blow) blitzes him and goes through 3 dodges (3+, 4+, and 5+, I believe) with 2 GFIs to throw the first killing blow on Satay (who apothed successfully, thankfully). All without RRs. He follows up (into 3 TZs) and the ball scatters to Sir Face, but he fails the 6+ catch and burns the last TRR trying (unsuccessfully) again.
Naturally, Renni whined about his awful luck not being able to pick up the ball...
Thanks for the game. It was entertaining, if nothing else.”