Match in OCCS league, sheduled = info for people whose thinking about cherrypicking match.
Unbelievable silly match, my oppo have worse team, but if dice are one sided then it's doesn't matter, i can write many reports about shit dice, doesn't matter too. I will wrte only, that this match it's a record in double 1, and each important moment sucks for me. I should easy win that match.
Btw my opponent said : you can't see you succeded throws ;D hahahaha don't make me laugh man
He said one more thing : write to Christer, why he giving to yousuch sucks dice, i'v answered : Christer have the same shit dice ;D because this program working normal like this.
edit : i repeat, Christer hate me it's fact ;D but he can't give to me anything. His dice are crap too, because this program working like that, and yes i can realise that i can throw 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 but you can realise too, that you don't threw double 1 during almost all turn, and you can realise that your rerolls hasn't disappeared in 4 turn each half.
Btw your tactic and positioning was very bad and i should win very easy, but if i failed all blitzes on your ballcarrier, failed all important dodges then your tactic is enough to win.
And btw2- after my first double 1 and after my first drive with TD i knew and i told you, that i know what will be result this game, and i had right. This program is very easy to predict.
BTw3 about unnecessary moves : do you claim that i should stand along your orks and let him blocking my players ? Do you not noticed that i haven't guards and i need make dodges to give asistances ????????? Please mate don't make me laugh. It's really ridiculous, when somebody failed some move then peple say : BAD DECISION !! UNNECESSARY MOVE!! how silly.
I wrote:
LOL, as I said in chat, it must really suck that Christer hates you so much that every roll goes against you! Poor, poor Spiro!
Well, when you make 10-15 rolls each turns you do realise that some of them are going to be ones? and if you constantly makes difficult rolls and poor positioning you are bound to get some TOs.
But sorry, I forgot. It´s I that makes poor positioning and for example didn´t T15 blitz the only player that could make a TD and by that preventing his opponent from winning.
And it was I that kept on making unneccesary dodges and started my turns with the difficult things and unneccessary moves. Oh wait....
*Gus looks at the scoreboard
That was YOU!
Isn´t it very convenient to explain every loss that you have with: "Oh the dice is like this!" "it´s very one sided dice!" "The client decide who wins!" Must be very nice to never accepting that you play bad and always blame it on the client.
Everyone else are crappy players and "spiro the infallible" only loses because of dice and a client that decides who will win or lose...
How you play apparently doesn´t matter!
As I asked you during the game: Why do you even play the game since it doesn´t matter what you do while playing? Just sit down and roll a dice IRL with yourself instead. Would save you alot of anger and discomfort!”
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