“On their third match the Internet Stars had chosen the bashed Sundown Dodgers, who were only playing with 8 man.
The coach of the internet stars thought that this would be an easy one. The Wolf and the two MB Wights would send 1-2 Elfs of the pitch, and then it would have been super easy to score. But allmighty Nuffle chose to destroy these plans.
The first half was good for the Phenomena. They were kicking but were able to get the ball fast, and pretty much caged it to a td in the last turn. But the sneaky agile Elfs were really anoying and refused to roll 1 on theird dodges.
The second half Nuffle decided that the Dodgers should win this game. The Phenomena received but two Quadruple Skulls in the first two turns and a fumbbled Ball led to an early tie.
On the next Kickoff, the High elf Coach payed thes fans to invade the pitch and knock half of the Internet Stars down.
So the second td for the outnumbered High Elfs was just a matter of time now.”
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The coach of the internet stars thought that this would be an easy one. The Wolf and the two MB Wights would send 1-2 Elfs of the pitch, and then it would have been super easy to score. But allmighty Nuffle chose to destroy these plans.
The first half was good for the Phenomena. They were kicking but were able to get the ball fast, and pretty much caged it to a td in the last turn. But the sneaky agile Elfs were really anoying and refused to roll 1 on theird dodges.
The second half Nuffle decided that the Dodgers should win this game. The Phenomena received but two Quadruple Skulls in the first two turns and a fumbbled Ball led to an early tie.
On the next Kickoff, the High elf Coach payed thes fans to invade the pitch and knock half of the Internet Stars down.
So the second td for the outnumbered High Elfs was just a matter of time now.”