“This really was a game of two halves. Riad brought his proven Elf team to play with my new, never been used, Vampires. The first half was an absolute disaster for me. Vamps were chowing down on Thralls, the dice were simply horrendous - seriously, at one stage in the first half Riad's luck was up at 80% while mine was around 40%. He played very well, capitalised on the situation and scored two very good TDs.
Second half was the exact polar opposite. My dice rolls held up, there was less Vamp snacking and Riad was throwing skulls and both downs like he'd just discovered them. To illustrate the point, I don't think I made a single dodge in the first half - even with RR. My first TD in the 2H was a throw to a thrall in the end zone!! Second TD I should have probably tried to delay a turn but I didn't and very nearly paid the price.
In the 2 turns remaining he got the ball from a bad kick, smashed through the LOS and got his man within spitting distance of the end zone. I made sure that I had two Thralls move by him - 1 in direct contact and 1 a square away, then I offered up a prayer to Nuffle and clicked the Vamp to make a blitz. He passed his OFAB role, tackled the player with 2D and rolled double push back with no RR. I did what I could and pushed him next to the thrall and followed the vamp up. Last Turn, it's very tense, all he can do is try and dodge to score and he has an AG of 4 with two TZs on him. He clicks to move and.........there's that sweet, sweet sound of a dodge failing and it's game over.
Thanks to Riad for a great, great game. Apologies for all the bitching and moaning during the 1H when it was going bad for me. Kudos for playing as you did in 2H when it was going bad for you. I look forward to the rematch. ”
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