“As to be expected with a 3 game old high elf team vs khemri team with a couple of blocking mummys. Perfect defence pretty much nullifed the whole first half. A typical play would be; i spent all turn away from his cage knocking down his mummy. The following dodge to foul ended up with a badly hurt high elf. The league also features another khemri team, a necro team, and a 4 CW strong chaos team so more than likely this team will be forced to retire if they play all their games, which they will at least finish.
Thanks to FMSTAN for not stalling and at least allowing the dismal high elves a chance to do something. Which they could not. The four elves required to get a 2d block on a mummy was almost more than they could muster. They did knock a mummy down twice all game though.”
Thanks to FMSTAN for not stalling and at least allowing the dismal high elves a chance to do something. Which they could not. The four elves required to get a 2d block on a mummy was almost more than they could muster. They did knock a mummy down twice all game though.”