I started with the ball in my Dark Elves hands going north and caging up. I tried to breaks through his defensive lines. But after turn 2 I found my caged surrounded by the rats. An evil joke (skull/pow-skull RR skull skull) start of turn 3 of nuffle gave the rats the blitz to my carrier which succeeded. I managed to put 2 rats linemen to the BH box and 1 to the KO, but the gutters took the ball easily and another (skull/pow-skull RR skull skull) prevented me from taking down the ballcarrier in my T8. The half ended with 1-0 to the rats and 11 DE vs 9 Rats on the field.
2nd half, Argonauts having the ball.
The fans took down 3 Sauce and 1 Argonaut with a Pitch invasion and so enabled the rats to cage up properly and get 2 Gutters to scoring range. I tried to break tha cage in T10, but only pushed it open. Then the rats were hit by the nuffling. One Gutter ran into endzone and expected a pass from the ball carrying thrower. The Thrower wasted a RR on GFI and then the Gutter failed the catch. A perfect throw in put me back into game. I additionally managed to SI a Linerat and BH the Vermin. In T12 a mad rat blitzed my ballcarrier with a pow-pow and managed to pick the ball right near the line in 2 tackle zones. It was a mad move punished with the waste of a RR and by failing a dodge out of this dangerous zone. This made me pick the ball and hand it to a Lineelf which needed 1 GFI to score. Meanwhile I a SI'd the Thrower and BH'd some other Linerat and a Gutter.
The final scene was 2 GR and 1 Line rat on the line and the 3rd Gutter in the rearfield. Nuffle gave me a blitz. I was 1 field short to cover the ball. Due to my superiority in terms of amount of players I stuffed the line together and tried to put as much pressure on the ball as possible. 1 turn later I had 2 Gutters south the field. I blitzed him 3dice and got a pow. I took the ball and set up for T16. I DE in scoring range, but I would need either a hand-off+pass or a liong pass. The last linerat was coverd, but not good enough. It blitzed my DE in scoring range...but was punished by a Skull and a BH. My decision to chose hand-off+short pass was wrong. I failed the pass and left the field with a draw.
The rats fought brave and curageous, but their weak armor made did not allow them to win. I was not allowed to win because of too many skulls in 1st half and some positioning error in 2nd half.
“A fun game characterised by my opponent wishing he had block at crucial moments and me messing things up by always going for the Hollywood play instead of playing it sensible!
It came right down to the wire with both of us having a chance to score in the last couple of turns but the dice conspired to make sure no one did. :)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I started with the ball in my Dark Elves hands going north and caging up. I tried to breaks through his defensive lines. But after turn 2 I found my caged surrounded by the rats. An evil joke (skull/pow-skull RR skull skull) start of turn 3 of nuffle gave the rats the blitz to my carrier which succeeded. I managed to put 2 rats linemen to the BH box and 1 to the KO, but the gutters took the ball easily and another (skull/pow-skull RR skull skull) prevented me from taking down the ballcarrier in my T8. The half ended with 1-0 to the rats and 11 DE vs 9 Rats on the field.
2nd half, Argonauts having the ball.
The fans took down 3 Sauce and 1 Argonaut with a Pitch invasion and so enabled the rats to cage up properly and get 2 Gutters to scoring range. I tried to break tha cage in T10, but only pushed it open. Then the rats were hit by the nuffling. One Gutter ran into endzone and expected a pass from the ball carrying thrower. The Thrower wasted a RR on GFI and then the Gutter failed the catch. A perfect throw in put me back into game. I additionally managed to SI a Linerat and BH the Vermin. In T12 a mad rat blitzed my ballcarrier with a pow-pow and managed to pick the ball right near the line in 2 tackle zones. It was a mad move punished with the waste of a RR and by failing a dodge out of this dangerous zone. This made me pick the ball and hand it to a Lineelf which needed 1 GFI to score. Meanwhile I a SI'd the Thrower and BH'd some other Linerat and a Gutter.
The final scene was 2 GR and 1 Line rat on the line and the 3rd Gutter in the rearfield. Nuffle gave me a blitz. I was 1 field short to cover the ball. Due to my superiority in terms of amount of players I stuffed the line together and tried to put as much pressure on the ball as possible. 1 turn later I had 2 Gutters south the field. I blitzed him 3dice and got a pow. I took the ball and set up for T16. I DE in scoring range, but I would need either a hand-off+pass or a liong pass. The last linerat was coverd, but not good enough. It blitzed my DE in scoring range...but was punished by a Skull and a BH. My decision to chose hand-off+short pass was wrong. I failed the pass and left the field with a draw.
The rats fought brave and curageous, but their weak armor made did not allow them to win. I was not allowed to win because of too many skulls in 1st half and some positioning error in 2nd half.
Was a funny match!”