“Yet another debacle vs the vermin, this one actually felt worse than the original because it really does feel like an end.
Turn four, why did the seekers give up a free 2d block to a hopeful gutter runner? Sure, some might say it was a lucky shot, but the teams from Snorriheim have never ever been in the business of giving away lucky shots or half chances. Only ever when there's a backup plan and only ever if there's a positional advantage to be gained from it. Both were sorely lacking at this juncture. It was...like luring fate to do the obscene, almost ... lusting after the madness.
They'd actually lost their plot two turns earlier and started abashing with the gay abandonment of a noob. Fighting on past every hurdle coming their way (and they come thick and fast with pro elves) has been like fighting through a fog in recent times...a bit pointless and often they've found themselves collectively just not caring enough anymore. The Seekers have finished seeking, and don't know what to do when not seeking. Sure, they could do it all over again, its all in the frame of mind, but what exactly would be the point?
Which probably means its time to retire gracefully rather than carry on being a shadow of what once was. Coach looked around at snorriheim - once fever pitched with bloodbowl and schedules revolving around the weekly highlight. Now the weekly highlight often only gets attention if it fits within other schedules and is often postponed and when it does fit in, it feels like a task rather than a spectacle. The town of snorriheim too is going through a baby boom and a bout of unexpected productivity. Gone are the outdoor sports activities, chess tournaments and hobby clubs...in with the baby clothes, open sourced projects and elevated responsibilities in all areas of work.
The fading of blood bowl too, perhaps, was inevitable, but the glory of yesteryear postponed it for a good while.”
Turn four, why did the seekers give up a free 2d block to a hopeful gutter runner? Sure, some might say it was a lucky shot, but the teams from Snorriheim have never ever been in the business of giving away lucky shots or half chances. Only ever when there's a backup plan and only ever if there's a positional advantage to be gained from it. Both were sorely lacking at this juncture. It was...like luring fate to do the obscene, almost ... lusting after the madness.
They'd actually lost their plot two turns earlier and started abashing with the gay abandonment of a noob. Fighting on past every hurdle coming their way (and they come thick and fast with pro elves) has been like fighting through a fog in recent times...a bit pointless and often they've found themselves collectively just not caring enough anymore. The Seekers have finished seeking, and don't know what to do when not seeking. Sure, they could do it all over again, its all in the frame of mind, but what exactly would be the point?
Which probably means its time to retire gracefully rather than carry on being a shadow of what once was. Coach looked around at snorriheim - once fever pitched with bloodbowl and schedules revolving around the weekly highlight. Now the weekly highlight often only gets attention if it fits within other schedules and is often postponed and when it does fit in, it feels like a task rather than a spectacle. The town of snorriheim too is going through a baby boom and a bout of unexpected productivity. Gone are the outdoor sports activities, chess tournaments and hobby clubs...in with the baby clothes, open sourced projects and elevated responsibilities in all areas of work.
The fading of blood bowl too, perhaps, was inevitable, but the glory of yesteryear postponed it for a good while.”