“After suffering a death by thier own feet the game prior, the destiny of Destiny United seemed to be fading.
To start off this game Destiny United seemed a bit rattled, couldn't even pick-up the ball (turn 1), and the skiinks were tripping over there own feet (turn2). Justice for Cash laid into The Determination after he tripped and fell, they laid in with 'grim' determination. Kicking the life out of the littlest lizard that would... Disheartened at the loss of Joy the previous week and now The Determination, Destiny United has gone it's seperate ways(concession, and retirement)...their destiny lies off the pitch while others lies under the pitch.
(One good oppurtunistic foul can win you the game! I would have done the same thing ; ) Good luck in the rest of the tourney foxx! -Gibbering)”
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To start off this game Destiny United seemed a bit rattled, couldn't even pick-up the ball (turn 1), and the skiinks were tripping over there own feet (turn2). Justice for Cash laid into The Determination after he tripped and fell, they laid in with 'grim' determination. Kicking the life out of the littlest lizard that would... Disheartened at the loss of Joy the previous week and now The Determination, Destiny United has gone it's seperate ways(concession, and retirement)...their destiny lies off the pitch while others lies under the pitch.
(One good oppurtunistic foul can win you the game! I would have done the same thing ; ) Good luck in the rest of the tourney foxx! -Gibbering)”