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Match Result · League division
Match recorded on 2010-09-09 22:46:52
CTV 1200k High Elf
Winnings 40k
No change Dedicated Fans
Casualties 0/2/0
Ogre CTV 1060k
60k Winnings
Fanfactor +1
0/2/0 Casualties
Player Performances

#1 Prince Huele'dar – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#1 Prince Huele'dar – Smashed Knee (NI)
#15 Prelder – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#15 Prelder – Smashed Knee (NI)
Second game in a row facing each other for these two teams. Replacing the two MNG gobbos were Scrappa and Nobbla.

The Ogres were recieving first and after starting the saw went straight for the ball, failed to pick it up and suffered a turnover. Luckily it scattered onto a friendly gobbo who caught it. The elves duly blitzed him down and caught the ball with the blitzing player. However, snakes on a dodge left him far from defended. Nobbla promplty stunned him, with the ball scattering back towards more gobbos. A few blocks later and it was time to try the pickup again.... again it failed. The elves 3-diced Nobbla with a blitzer but to no avail. An attempted ball-pickup also failed. Slippery wee sucker! Scattered away into multi-gobbo TZ, looking safe now. In return the gobbos flattened a few elves, grabbed the ball and then went for a long pass - never a good idea with stuntys and no reroll available! Predictably it was promptly fumbled but fell into two ogres TZ as well as that of the throwing gobbo. The elves could 2-dice an ogre to free up thier team but despite a reroll it still ended their turn. Things were not looking good! The gobbos in turn stunned the last deep elf, picked the ball up, ran down, handed off, ran further and went for another pass... again it failed. With no elves anywhere near the action this wasn't too much of a worry though.
In fury, the elves got violent, KOing two gobbos, one of whom had been the annoying wee chainsaw sneak. A boot to an ogres head saw him of, MNG. However, a failed block later and the elves were really in trouble for ball position. Luckily, the ogres decided to join in the turnover play with a quick both down result. The elves now had the range to trouble the ball! However, their blitz couldn't take a gobbo down and the ball pickup failed again. The ogres started their turn with some gobbo dodges, failing on the second one, self-KOing and leaving themselves in trouble. However, the elves havn't noticed the turn and thinking they have tons of time run most of their team the wrong way! They secure the ball but skull on a 1-dice block. The gobbos in turn only manage to pushback the ball carrier, though an ogre does better niggling a lineelf. The apo appears to have forgotten his bag today, so the injury stands. The elves do their elven thing and get the ball into scoring range, but then go a bit mad and are very inept in their attempts to protect it, actually makng it more exposed in the process! three GFI and a bonehead succeding gets the 2-dice blitz on the ball, knocking out the carrier. The elves now need 4 2+ rolls with no reroll to score... but for some odd reason decide to throw a 3-dce block first. Predictably it doesn't work and the first half ends scoreless.

Second half and the elves are optimistic. However, a pitch invasion takes out both their +ST players who were lined up to flatten the ogre line, as well as their deep ball-fetcher. One ogre and a gobbo also go down. The elves knock down a gobbo on the LOS, blitz another down then take a 2-dice shot at the last ogre on the LOS. With a reroll and it still goes wrong! Turnover! In return the ogres KO a lineelf and have a shot at fetching the ball from amidst the mostly-prone elves. It fails, scattering clear. The evles attempt to clear up a bit and look to have got it sorted until the desired ball-carrier decides he can't make a dodge and faceplants right beside the ball. Fortunately the ogres decide they like to fail blocks and get a quick both-down, giving the elves another shot. They push back an ogre to clear the ball and pick it up with a super-elf (+ST) but then prematurely end their turn while trying to hit a lowly gobbo. The ogres are on fine form, taking down the ball carrier and a blitzer but still leaving the ball in danger after one block pushes an elf onto it causing it to scatter clear. The elves promptly grab it and make it ogre-safe though dodging gobbos may still be able to reach the ball carrier. Bonehead decides to make its mark, blunting the attempted blocking in the mid-pitch scrum. A failed gobbo dodge - self KO - andthe elves have a chance to advance the ball. It is made safe and an ogres valient effort at getting a TZ onto it fails, leaving him the sole deep player and lying on his back. The elves stall for a turn in total safety, but prompty fail another 3-dice block on a gobbo and suffer a turnover. The ogres put pressure on but a gfi fails, leaving their deep man on his back again. The elves can now stall in total safety for a t16 score, clearing their lines with some suprisingly good blocking.
The ogres now are looking at needing a TTM moment to take it to overtime. Injury time gives them an extra turn to fetch the ball. They fetch it from deep and throw it half the length of the pitch to the LOS but being gobbos it goes astray, still in easy reach however. The LOS elves try to bash down that pesky Nobbla but fail while the deep elves blitz a lone gobbo backwards out of scoring range, leaving only TTM through many TZ as an option. They make the pickup, make the handoff, pass bonehead, inaccurately pass which scatters them deep enough to run it in, land and make the three dodges to equalise! The crowd goes wild!

Into overtime and the elves are in trouble. A bad kick sees the ball into the hands of an ogre, while Nobba, having dodged the referee both halfs manages to start his saw at the first time of asking, as with both previous fieldings! He is on fire today. However, an early skulled block from the ogres gave the elves a brief chance. Forgetting howtacklezones work they mess it up but instead blitz the pesky chainsaw, failing to knock him over. The DP winds up and sticks the boot into a prone ogre and with plenty assists he gets a niggle, ouch! In return Nobbla KOs an elf and the ogres close ranks in self-defence. Three dice get thrown nobblas way but he swaggers out unhurt. A gobbo teammate is less fortunate and exits the game, KO. Nobbla again proves his worth, blitzing an elf into the BH box. Again, he saunters off unharmed from the return block, but the ball-carrying ogre is less fortunate and goes down along with his attacker. Nobbla turns round and KOs his assailant swinging the numbers in the ogres favour. Some great blocking sees the whole elves team taken down in one turn, barring a hugely out of position Dragon Warrior. The scattering ball however manages to go right through the scrum, landing next to him, tragically after he has already thrown an ineffectual block. His compatriot tries to dodge free from Nobbla only to fail and stun himself. Nobbla in turn blitzes another elf into the BH box, while an ogre KOs yet another. A goblin then vindictively fouls an already-stunned Dragon Warrior, achieving nothing. The elves have a weak, late go at the ball-carrier but cannt do anything when he is so well surrounded by friends, only pushing him back and putting a pair of tacklezones on. Nobbla KOs another elf before Srappa makes his first contribution to the game by knocking himself out. The elves have a last chance at 2-dice on the ball but fail miserably to dodge. The ball-carrying gobbo runs up to the line and stands their shouting insults at the elves, all too far away to hit him. The gobbos then get carried away and again foul a prone dragon warrior who is 3 squares too far away to be any threat. A niggling injury later and the elves are in poor shape. The two remaining elves simply lie there, too exhausted to even stand up. The game-winning TD is run in and the elves attempt at a pass for a single SPP in t24 fails.

Was a very close game - I didn't play all that well but feel Nuffle really decided he didn't want me to win. The first half was appauling for both of us, with our luck metres reading in the 20s until several turns in when blocknroll picked up a bit, soon followed by me. We both hovered in the low 40s until t16, then the TTM TD picked blocknroll up to above 50 for the first time, then he steamrollered me in OT. Howwever, given his luck in our previous meeting I can't complain too much :p

Forgetting the plate I promplty retired my niggled lino to get back below 125 TR for next season. Oops? Might regret that. Good luck in your next game vs. the vamps (which I'm speccing while I type this) blocknroll, I'll get you next time! :) Again, good chat too, really makes a game more fun.

Edit: Aye, Nobbla was a total flop with his saw-starting efforts vs the vamps, then getting sent off at half time too :( Was always going to be tough after the punishment I dished out in the first game, ogres without half their ogres isn't a good thing! My plate run was also a tad short - ran straight into moar ogres and got pasted. D'oh! No worries about the fouls :) its a competative game, anything goes!
Player Performances

#5 The Saint – Smashed Knee (NI)
#3 EMAP – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#5 The Saint – Broken Ribs (MNG)
awesome match report - as you probably saw I did some damage to the vamps late in the game but was never really in it, those two ogres missing from our game made a huge difference. also nobbla failed to start the chainsaw i think until turn 5 - such a different player this game!

without the turn going back in our game i woulkdnt have got the TTM - the kick you did was perfect! i had to punt it as near as i could as any pass i could have made was a LONG way out of range loL!

oh and sorry about the fouls, they seemed needed to me at the time but do come over as a bit gratuitous, sorry if they felt that way.
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