Crimson Eclipse won the coin toss and chose to receive. They fought off the Jueves Team at the line of scrimmage while Emeyin caused a distraction up the left side of the field drawing the attention of four players. The Undead forces sent players coming from both flanks of the Dark Elf offensive line. Darkstorn ran forward and found Draeke who ran up the right side of the field for a quick touchdown.
JT received midway through the first half and they sent their Ghouls straight up the gut of the Dark Elf defense. The Undead QB dropped back deep and Judas went to chase him down. The Ghoul ran forward to throw a long pass but fumbled the ball. He was pushed away and Damian came to pick up the ball in its tackle zone. The Lineelf dodged away and threw a quick pass to Judas for the Druchii's second touchdown of the half.
JT received in the second half but before they could initiate their offense the fans rushed the field and devastated the Undead forces. Many of the JT players were stunned including both their Mummies. Their Ghoul ballcarrier had nowhere to go and he was brought down from behind by Malikith. The ball bounced away from the mess of players. Judas got a hold of the ball and ran in his team's third touchdown.
JT received one more time and they sent many players out deep. There was too little time on the clock and they sought to strike fast. Puticlub the Wight threw a long pass straight to Claro de noche. The Ghoul caught the pass and ran into the end zone to put his team on the scoreboard. With only two turns left on the clock and the outcome of the game already decided, CE would score one last time despite a Blitz! by JT.
Good game, maryjuano! Thanks for the match, mate! ”
Crimson Eclipse won the coin toss and chose to receive. They fought off the Jueves Team at the line of scrimmage while Emeyin caused a distraction up the left side of the field drawing the attention of four players. The Undead forces sent players coming from both flanks of the Dark Elf offensive line. Darkstorn ran forward and found Draeke who ran up the right side of the field for a quick touchdown.
JT received midway through the first half and they sent their Ghouls straight up the gut of the Dark Elf defense. The Undead QB dropped back deep and Judas went to chase him down. The Ghoul ran forward to throw a long pass but fumbled the ball. He was pushed away and Damian came to pick up the ball in its tackle zone. The Lineelf dodged away and threw a quick pass to Judas for the Druchii's second touchdown of the half.
JT received in the second half but before they could initiate their offense the fans rushed the field and devastated the Undead forces. Many of the JT players were stunned including both their Mummies. Their Ghoul ballcarrier had nowhere to go and he was brought down from behind by Malikith. The ball bounced away from the mess of players. Judas got a hold of the ball and ran in his team's third touchdown.
JT received one more time and they sent many players out deep. There was too little time on the clock and they sought to strike fast. Puticlub the Wight threw a long pass straight to Claro de noche. The Ghoul caught the pass and ran into the end zone to put his team on the scoreboard. With only two turns left on the clock and the outcome of the game already decided, CE would score one last time despite a Blitz! by JT.
Good game, maryjuano! Thanks for the match, mate! ”