“Despite his protests, the owner of the Anvils over-ruled Coach OK's rule about no Big Guys, and brought in a prized Minotaur, Thrasher Heartseeker. Thrasher spent a turn deciding what to do on the pitch, then was promptly knocked out by a swarming cloud of pissed-off mummies. Trying to pierce together the incident kept the rookie out of the the remaining game, failing all attempts to get him back on the pitch.
The Khemri probably should have scored in the first half, and the CD probably should have stopped the score in the second (a clear 2d blitz with BC on blocker, rerolled pushes and skulls).
Good match with a coach 29 CR higher. Hopefully a bit of a challenge at times. Thanks vicius, and I'll get that team entered into the Congregations fouling tourney”
The Khemri probably should have scored in the first half, and the CD probably should have stopped the score in the second (a clear 2d blitz with BC on blocker, rerolled pushes and skulls).
Good match with a coach 29 CR higher. Hopefully a bit of a challenge at times. Thanks vicius, and I'll get that team entered into the Congregations fouling tourney”