CTV 1670k Norse

No change

Necromantic Horror CTV 1430k


Inducements: Star player Wilhelm Chaney
#12 Seph – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#2 Rufus – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Improved received in the second half and it was still raining. A failed pickup by their Ghoul put them on their heels for a little bit. Menasor blasted into the Necromantic defense and was pushed next to the ball by a Werewolf. The Snow Troll proved too much to take down even by Wilhelm who was stunned when he attempted to match strengths with the beast. FGB quickly surrounded the ball and things looked under control for the Norsemen until they made another boneheaded play.
Konan chose to take down a Zombie although he didn't have the required skill set to do so. This ended his team's turn very early and all of a sudden gave life back to Improved. Rhyme the Wight recovered the ball and made a break for it. Menasor was freed up by a couple key plays and made the defensive save when he blitzed the ballcarrier and stunned him ending all chances for Improved to score.
The win was not in the bag yet for the Norse as they still had to handle the ball and get it upfield in a hurry. Surprisingly they looked like an Elf team out there in the rain and the ball was handed off to Vantran with no problems. This time FGB would score to pull off the win and so not have to suffer the consequences from their Coach.
Good game, Wreckage!! Thanks for the match, mate!!