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Match Result · Ranked division · Tournament game
Match recorded on 2010-10-03 16:36:37
Lustrian Challenge IV round 2
CTV 2340k Wood Elf
Winnings 60k
-1 Dedicated Fans
Casualties 0/0/0
Orc CTV 3020k
60k Winnings
Fanfactor +1
2/1/3 Casualties
Player Performances

#2 Tiger – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#4 Peregrine – Dead (RIP)
#7 Puma – Dead (RIP)
Grats again Gritter,

You kept your cool when the cas dice were not working for you in the first half, expertly tunneled your way through the elven screen in teh second and crushed the elven resistance into the ground in OT.

I only just remembered how to do the one turn at the end of OT on the way to work XD. I'll chalk that down to lack of practice playing shorthanded recently ;-). I'll be going green again in the FC but this time it'll probably be green skins rather than green fingers.

Cya back on the pitch,

Player Performances
\o/ Lustrian Cup- Grand Final \o/

Orc legend, Pootash, puts in another awesome performance, scoring both TD's for the Swogglers and lifting the trophy at the end of overtime. :)

Of course the match was not as simple as that, and its important to note, that nearly all those casualties came in overtime rather than normal time...

The game started off with the handicap rolls. Virus kept TTM expert 'Nippleclamp' out of the game, 'it wasnt me' claimed an orc lino, and drugs for Farcity player 'Tiger' made him a str4 Wardancer....however one of the niggled woodie catchers didnt make his niggle roll and was left watching from the stands.
The woodies won the toss and chose to receive first.

The fans immediately started booing as the Farcity team went in to full back pedal, moving out of range of the brutish orcs and seemingly running away!
The swogglers chased after them, but in a controlled manner realising the woodies were probably being tricksy....
3 turns later, with the woodies no further to go backwards except through the stadium exit, they made their play, and tried to blitz a hole through the swogglers right flank. With a reroll burned early in the turn though, the wardancer could only push back the troll Detritus and the orc line held.
The Farcity team formed a new good screen though and the orcs tried, but failed to push their advantage, although the apo had to be called in to save a catcher from an early death \o but his fouler was sent off. :(

With the orcs no longer in a good formation, the speedy woodies, switched flanks and managed to form a pocket just inside the orc line, ko'in another orc to give them a 2 man advantage.
The orcs drew backwards, to try and press the screen and at least force an early score, but were denied, as blocks were weak, and elven armour held time and again.
The Farcity fans found their voices at last as a score seemed inevitable and the Swoggles were able to do no more than KO' an elf with a dp boot.
The elves continued to make their dodge rolls and formed an impenetrable screen as the orc fans knashed their teeth in frustraton, before running in the score in turn 8.

With one turn of the half left, it looked like TTM time. Half expecting virus on the handicap rolls, the swogglers had freebooted an second goblin called ' For One TTM Only' and set up with their players spread to retreive the ball.
The ref gave a surprise bonus at kickoff, saying he had miscounted so far and there were in fact 2 turns left o/
The orcs finally gave vent to their anger as Malki killed another elf, with no apo to save him this time.
The ball was successfully retreived and handed to the goblin, and although a blitzing tree tried to disrupt things, Detritus successfully remembered to pick up the goblin, failed to eat him, but then also failed to throw him far enough as the goblin landed successfully but tantalizingly 1 square out of range to score .... grrrrrr

2nd half, and the Swogglers now had a mountain to climb with a str4 wardancer to contend with backed up by full numbers of elves.
The ball was kicked in to midfield and after stunning to elves on the line, Pootash gathered the ball in and the orcs began to cage.
The Farcity players continued with their policy of 'safety first' and retreated, even the tree who tried to blitz was confused by orders and decided to take root.
The Orcs were able to advance unmolested for 2 turns as they bypassed the tree and other elves to get deep in to the Farcity half on their left flank. The Bobs guarded Poot from the attention of the Wardancers and str5 Bob Roxboro, shoved elves out of the way to join the charge from the other flank.

Orc turn 4 and they found themselves with an elf defence in front of them and a dancer behind them. Not far out of scoring range already, they chose to try and tie the dancer down to get a boot on him and shifted the carrier and cage sideways as the troll broke his tackler and blocked the dancer in.
It was ill thought out though given field position, and with the assist of a tree Ko'in another orc, the dancer 1db'd the troll down as the other elves picked at the corner of the orc cage.
Pootash told the other orcs to stop being silly and help him towards the endzone and the orc cage broke left and in to scoring range as turn 5 ended. Another weak orc foul failed this time to even break armour!

The Farcity elves then formed a tough looking defence, dodging all their players out to harass the orcs, but failing to put any orcs down.
Pootash waaaghhhed and lead a blitz to knock out wood elf lino Dolphin near the left flank and the swogglers formed a semi cage formed around him.
The woodies then swarmed the orcs in a concerted affort to stop the orc drive, putting tackle zones on Poot as they blunted the front of the orc cage.... it was suddenly all getting very interesting lol

Pootash blocked forward a square as did the closest orcs. Tiger the str4 dancer looked like being a game breaker as he kept sidestepping, but on the 3rd 2DB he got powed to the floor stunned. The Swogglers looked at hiz prone body and just about resisted the urge to foul him, instead putting more orcs into scoring range.

The Farcity team formed up for one last turn of defence, but a crucial catcher dodge failed (with Tathar saving the rr for OT which looked likely even with the dodge)
Malki the black orc then punched a hole for Pootash in the elf line and Poot duly dodged through it to tie up the game. \o/

With a push 1 turn from the tricksy elves in the offing, the Swogglers put their SF blitzers on the line with the troll. It wasnt the best setup in the world to stop the score in hindsight, but it didnt matter anyways as the orcs cheekily blitzed and normal time ended in a fizzle.

Possibly the most crucial roll in the game... OT saw the orcs get the chance to receive first o/

The Swogglers chose not to field their troll this time around, and their rowdy fans threw a rock (or was it a cruise missile?) to remove the vanilla Wardancer from the field.
The orcs formed a deep cage around the ball, and Poot picked up the ball in it for operation "grind through the woodies" part 2! as the orc line again proved unable to hurt anything ( oh how that was to change....)

Again the Farcity team retreated rather than contest field position with the orcs with just the tree causing trouble as the orc cage moved quicky to the half way line.
The woodies repled by going after the only orc blitzer who had strayed further forward, who shall afterwards be known as pawn sacrifice.... in a similar field position to their qualifier final against 'spectators champions' a large proportion of the elf team took part in a gang foul on him, which only stunned...
This allowed the cage to both move forward and head more centrally to stop getting trapped on a flank. The answering foul by the orcs was somewhat more effective, badly hurting a lino.

Sensing he was already in danger of just being ground down in overtime, Tathar, I tihnk rightly decided to throw caution aside and attempt to rob Pootash of the ball. It started with a tree gfi' to the rear of the orc cage, with the elves then swarming the front and side of the cage. The STR4 dancer than made his run, needing a rr to make his leap for the 1db... but with a skull Poot just elbowed him in the face as he landed.... what a guy!

With lots of elves to hit for a change, another one left the field, before Poot doubled back to hit the tree down then back in to the cage. This made for more asists as well as freed the dp to foul. Oooff! and Tiger the dancer was out of the match seriously injured.

The writing was on the wall from this point, with little chance of stopping an orc score. Knowing the threat was now a push 1 turn reply to take the game to a flip the Swogglers began 'carpet bombing' the remaining 7 Farcity players with boots and mighty blow killing another orc lino on the way as the orc cage both advanced and chased the Farcity players.

Farcity ended the half with only 3 players left on the field and Pootash danced over the line for the second time and the winning TD \o/ \o/

Farcity needed a miracal kickoff roll to have a chance to score, and it didnt come, it was the Swogglers taking home the Lustrian trophy.

Legend and team captain Pootash was asked if he would retire after this tournament with some whispering he was an expensive luxury...

He answered bluntly-
"Wez wouldnt of wun anyfink if it wasnt for meh! I iz the most scoringest Orc in ze wurld! Only way I retires is being permenantly retired on the field, now gimmeh some grog!"
Indeed with a tourny record of
1 interception (game winning one too)
8 td
5 cas
I can honestly say it was the Poot that wun it for us ;) the legend in an otherwise average overpriced side!

GG Tathar, and unlucky. I am sure we will meet on the field soon for another gg mate :)

To anyone else reading, can you slay poot in the Fumbbl Cup or will he keep conquering? ;)
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