CTV 1270k Chaos Dwarf


Human CTV 1030k


No change
Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs, Star player Puggy Baconbreath
#2 White – Dead (RIP)
#10 Indigo – Broken Jaw (MNG)
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We recive 1st and spend our first few turns trying to hand the ball to one of our centaurs and to hurt Puggy. Neither of which has worked by T5 and we've burnt up all our RRs to boot. Then on T6 they make a nice series of moves to knock the ball free, though fortunately fail a dodge to try and pick it up. We BH Baconbreath at last but again fail to get the ball. T8 and our only chance at a TD now is a centaur making a 5+ catch in a tackle zone... but he drops it!
Half time and we have 11 vs 10 of them as a lineman snoozes despite all the bloodweiser. They collect the ball and form a cage deep in their half, while we march forward scoring a KO and a BH in our first two turns. T3 we can just about manage to blitz their thrower with our break tackle centaur and KO another two players - it's looking bad for the humans. With just 6 players left on the pitch vs our full 11 there's little they can do... though they do manage a -2d blitz that knocks over our centaur with the ball for a stun. We counter by crowdpushing 3 players, KILLing a blitzer, and recovering the ball. T7 and we foul a lineman for a MNG leaving them just their ogre prone on the pitch before running in the winning TD.
GG jrt55555!”