CTV 1720k Skaven
Chaos Dwarf CTV 1930k
#7 Fangtooth The Shredder – Dead (RIP)
#12 Swiftrun The Haunter – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#12 Swiftrun The Haunter – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#14 Something I couldn't be bothered to name – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#14 Something I couldn't be bothered to name – Smashed Knee (NI)
#11 South Kensington – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#12 Mill Hill East – Broken Ribs (MNG)
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Holy Cliffs began their season with a solid 2-0 win over the Ogham Collective, though a spectacular 10 Cas in the game means the cliffs are looking a fair site more battered than the were at the opening parades and draw.
The Cliffs with the toss and elect to recieve first.
The ogham boys took the risk of setting their St4 Dorf, Temple on the line, clearly in the hopes that, in combo with the Troll, we wouldn't be able to handle the strength, however, our pair of St4s along with some judicious guard dropped the troll and the St4, before a venomous foul was delivered to Temple, which, but for the intervention of the apothecary, would have left him with a niggling injury for the rest of his days. The ref however, noted the disgustingly dirty play and promptly sent the guilty party back to the dressing room, where he was to spend the rest of the game.
The remainder of the drive was more classic skaven play, judicious dodging to set up favourable blocks, and generally staying out of range as much as possible, leaving the score 1-0 with 4 Ogham turns remaining.
The Chaos Dwarves got lucky as Something I couldn't be bothered to name made a mistake with his kicking technique, gifting them a touchback, which was promptly given to the Bull Centaur. They drove hard up one flank, engaging almost all the skaven with tackle zones, the only player avoiding the scrum was 1 gutter runner, who snuck round the back and into scoring range.
However, at this point the ball was in the hands of the bull, and, only 6 squares from the line, a score looked inevitable, until Chainmace gave Stinkmace The Stinking a clean line to the Bull, and with an assist from the gutter that had stayed back, dropped the Bull, Badly Hurt him and gathered the ball in one smooth movement.
The CDs did their best to place as many TZs as possible on the ball and potential carriers, but left a clean surf that also left a Hobgob Seriously injured, then it was a simple matter of shifting the ball, easy, eh? Well it was until nuffle decided otherwise and produced the 1 on the pass. Half ends, 1-0 to the Holy Cliffs, a good first half, we're also out casing the CDs, though they got the first (and only) RIPs of the game.
The Second half kicks of with each team, for various (mostly CAS related) reasons having only 8 players fit and ready.
the CDs began with a Quick snap, but despite this, failed to gather the ball, as they waited for their Sure hands hob to arrive from the other side of the pitch.
The Holy cliffs decided to take advantage of this, driving at the ball, knocking it out of the reach of the hobs near it, enableing gutter runner speed to prevail once again, collecting the ball and speeding off.
In the meantime, the other players got stuck into creating a scrum in the centre of the pitch, meaning the slow CDs would be unable to disengage to assist at the back.
An attempted 8 turn stall ensued, but the cliffs got too cocky and nearly threw the second TD away trying to control the SPP flow, disengaing from the central (and utterly pointless) scrum, the extra speed of the skaven meant some of them were able to assist in tidying up the game and gathering the ball for the final score, leaving the result at 2-0”