“Like lookin' in a mirror... the Aaron Maybin coached Billy Goats Gruff came out facing a team that played mostly like they had in previous matches. So this time, the goats played the way they hated to be played against. Smartly.
It was tough... it went against their very nature as stupid, can-chewing goats. But positioning, no fouling, no ridiculous attempts to win the game in one fell swoop and mostly, letting the blocks come to us - that made all the difference. Add that to a little assistance from the crowd toss, MVP play by CJ "Blood" Spiller (he gave it to Rian... what a team player, eh?) and the FRICKING GENIUS that is Joe DeLamielleure, and the Billy Goats gain back some fans they lost to those damn Dauphins!
Good game Rij... no major fails by either of us, save that initial pickup of yours to start the game - you played well. The conference schedule rematch will be interesting. Can't say I'm looking forward to your revenge... ;)”
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It was tough... it went against their very nature as stupid, can-chewing goats. But positioning, no fouling, no ridiculous attempts to win the game in one fell swoop and mostly, letting the blocks come to us - that made all the difference. Add that to a little assistance from the crowd toss, MVP play by CJ "Blood" Spiller (he gave it to Rian... what a team player, eh?) and the FRICKING GENIUS that is Joe DeLamielleure, and the Billy Goats gain back some fans they lost to those damn Dauphins!
Good game Rij... no major fails by either of us, save that initial pickup of yours to start the game - you played well. The conference schedule rematch will be interesting. Can't say I'm looking forward to your revenge... ;)”