CTV 2180k Tomb Kings
Amazon CTV 2300k
#7 Everson Walls – Dead (RIP)
#4 Brit Favre – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#4 Brit Favre – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#11 Greta Camarillo – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#15 Persephone Harvin – Dead (RIP)
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...never knew bones could shatter to dust like that! :D
The Mummies proceeded to lumber towards the goal line and eventually score while the Queens stayed huddled in a bunch considering what kind of earrings and bracelets they could make from what was left of Everson. Minnesnowta took the ball next and after trying to get the New Crypt big-uns to restock the toilet paper in the ladies bathrooms, they were able to tie it up before the half. They left some time on the clock, though and it led to the crushing death of Persephone Harvin. The doctor was thinking about going out to her but his pager rung with a call from the golf pro at Torrey Pines and well... he's REALLY close to getting his handicap into single digits, so he didn't quite give a solid effort as he left to pick up his clubs. Ah well... new receiving core for Minnesnowta early in the season it seems.
The second half Minnesnowta received again and tried their best to get that toilet paper restocked for the ladies stalls (reports of the tampon machines being empty were never confirmed either). The New Crypt defense was staunch at first so the Queens thought they would try the ol' Triple Reverse! They started north, retreated in a southernly direction and when the mummies were split, they went back north to draw all the faster boners towards that side leaving Jarah Allen all alone on the south side to receive a pass from Raynie Edwards (who shied away from her typical role as catcher and played pitcher ;) Touchdown ViQueens with 2 minutes left to play. The Mummies just weren't set up to try and score in the waning turns and were stifled before the ball could get into the red zone.
Good game, SirOrange. Well played - welcome to the NBFL.”