2nd won coin toss in a row. The game itself really looked exactly like the last one, with the super hard fight against supreme strength & manpower. As in last one, we only managed to stop the opponent at the goal line.
Someone must really like hard struggle to award us with the coin... then again, that same thief must've ran away with our coins =)
PS. Still wondering how to make the wizard work as good as opponents. Two consecutive times wizard has cassed a player of mine. Our wizard usually doesn't even hit anyone, maybe it's time to change the provider.”
handis: Illegal Drugs (Blitzer), Extra Training
2nd won coin toss in a row. The game itself really looked exactly like the last one, with the super hard fight against supreme strength & manpower. As in last one, we only managed to stop the opponent at the goal line.
Someone must really like hard struggle to award us with the coin... then again, that same thief must've ran away with our coins =)
PS. Still wondering how to make the wizard work as good as opponents. Two consecutive times wizard has cassed a player of mine. Our wizard usually doesn't even hit anyone, maybe it's time to change the provider.”