“Necros vs skilled up dark elves. They have a whole load of dodge and we have no tacklers so we hire a chainsaw with our inducements.
However something bugs out and he doesn't appear so we must play on without our inducements :/
We start with two KOs at the cost of a sending off.. oof, but then things get better. T2 and our MB wolf MNGs a blitzer and on T3 we KO their witch elf and MNG a lineelf. With this big player advantage we are able to steamroll forward and score with a FG on T8.
Half time and heat exhaustion nails us, taking out a zombie, wight and our wolf while only one of their players is hit. We set up 7 vs 7 and kick off. They spend the next 4 turns dodging back and forth looking for a way through while we hold them back but fail to attack the ball carrier. T6 and they get the ball right by our endzone and we send a 4d blitz his way without being able to do more than push him against the edge. We surround him with players and he's forced to try for a -2d blitz... but it's a skull and a KO! The crowd throw the ball straight up our endzone and players rush to secure it... and finally on T8 they steal it and score.. 1-1!
We have one turn left and we try and chainpush our wolf... but fail 1 square short of where we needed him.
GG Nestoroide”
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However something bugs out and he doesn't appear so we must play on without our inducements :/
We start with two KOs at the cost of a sending off.. oof, but then things get better. T2 and our MB wolf MNGs a blitzer and on T3 we KO their witch elf and MNG a lineelf. With this big player advantage we are able to steamroll forward and score with a FG on T8.
Half time and heat exhaustion nails us, taking out a zombie, wight and our wolf while only one of their players is hit. We set up 7 vs 7 and kick off. They spend the next 4 turns dodging back and forth looking for a way through while we hold them back but fail to attack the ball carrier. T6 and they get the ball right by our endzone and we send a 4d blitz his way without being able to do more than push him against the edge. We surround him with players and he's forced to try for a -2d blitz... but it's a skull and a KO! The crowd throw the ball straight up our endzone and players rush to secure it... and finally on T8 they steal it and score.. 1-1!
We have one turn left and we try and chainpush our wolf... but fail 1 square short of where we needed him.
GG Nestoroide”