“Brutus is sentenced to death for being a fearless road warrior! No appeal, no apothecary, no reprieve! To the dungeons of blood and thorns ye soul descends. Wait in the bowels of Hades til thy name is called for glory again!
Hail to Brother Logan who's steel will and iron fists kept the game exciting til the end! No brothers ride by ye side, none needed. Score a one man touchdown and crack heads along the way! Upgrade to guard, and meet the beasts of death head on!
The giants of the world beat the Hellriders to all but a few members. This, does not stop them from riding hard...battlestandard held high!
Hail to Brother Logan who's steel will and iron fists kept the game exciting til the end! No brothers ride by ye side, none needed. Score a one man touchdown and crack heads along the way! Upgrade to guard, and meet the beasts of death head on!
The giants of the world beat the Hellriders to all but a few members. This, does not stop them from riding hard...battlestandard held high!
Hail and Kill!”