CTV 1260k Dark Elf

14000 (2 FAME)
No change

Dwarf CTV 1250k
#10 Randy Pinkwood – Dead (RIP)
#12 Exclamation Point – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#4 Bubba Bo Bob – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#8 Phillipe – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Ok, in 7 games played so far, I've suffered more casualties than I've given..but only by one..and the injuries have been sever for both sides..I've done 1/6/3, while I've taken 4/5/4..
So, 5/11/6 on the casualty counts between me and my opponents. Yeah, it's a small sample size I know..but still is pretty harsh to 'live' thru. (should be about 11/7/4 or so..roughly)
Ok, to this game..1st half went well..I had 4 of the Elves off the pitch before I scored..unfortunately for me, 2 were KO's, 1 was reserve (apoth healed a kill) and only one was an inujury..of course, both KO's came back and with his one bench, the Elves were fully staffed for most of the rest of the game.
As I mentioned, he could have tied it at half if he'd just selected the pass option..yea, i still would have had a chance to intercept, and he would have had to make the rolls..but it was a close to a given as you can get in that situation.
2nd half, was going about as expected, until all of the sudden I was down 3 Dwarves..one kill (apoth to mng) one SI and one BH in the span of just a few turns...and I was not even breaking his armor by this point. Down men, I could not stop him scoring 2 times in the 2nd half, nor could I score myself.
I got a kill and either the SI or a BH in trash time after he went up 2-1..too little too late and i was already down players.
Flash gets +1 agility..ok, here is the skill ups for my team (almost makes up for the injury rolls)..
3 normal skills, one dodge, 2 +AG and a +MA.. Rolls are just skewed for this team, one way or the other.”