“2nd game in a row for me against vampires with the bug still alive and well. This game had 2 failed bloodlusts that didn't result in a vampire being sent off or a thrall being bitten. One failed bloodlust was a move action that was aborted to stand up and end vamp's turn. The other was a block that the other coach simply aborted and didn't have to bite a thrall or see the vampire sent off. In both cases, the little blood drop icon appeared on the vampire who failed the roll. I will say that bloodlust does work sometimes, there were at least 2 instances in this game where they did work on actions that were not aborted into a stand up and end turn action. One saw the vampire bite a thrall, the other saw the vampire leave the pitch. My opponent also rerolled at least 2 failed bloodlust rolls on blitzes so that he could complete the action. So it seems that the bug is occuring when the vampire coach chooses the stand up and end/turn action or when they choose a block and instead just move and end turn. This was bugreported.”