“We're up against burnalot's underworld, who heavily favour two-headed players... fielding a good seven of them this game!!
We kick off in the rain and they collect with a mutated thrower, using their extra heads for many 2+ dodges to stay back from our hitting power. We each have a bribe from ref intimidation but our first foul of the game sees a zombie sent off and the bribe ignored! Meanwhile they escape all our attempts at hemming in their constantly moving cage and on T5 burst deep into our half. We get a 2d blitz to knock it free but the thrower is unhurt - but then on T6 a poor block gives us an early turnover before they can recover it. However, most of our team is caught up nowhere near the ball and we can't make the most of it. They have another poor turn, failing to steal the ball and now we get players up... but fortune favours them on T8 when their last nearby player can make the 5+ pickup roll in the rain + a TZ to grab it and make it 1-0!
We now have a zombie banned and another -STR injured while they have a BH'd gobbo as their only injury, but both teams have a full squad to field for the 2nd half. T1 and their clawed troll KILLS our MB wolf.. but he regens! We BH a gobbo so it's 10 vs 10 and finally get the ball into their half on T3. Both SV having two heads is working out well for them as they can dodge past a player at 3+... which they do now to 2d blitz over our AGI4 wight holding the ball, though fortunately he recovers before the skaven do. T4 and three two-headed gobbos combine for a 2d blitz (the last has horns) that knocks it free again. Then we mess up some 2d blocks, ending with a double skulls that gives them an early turnover so they bounce the ball around a couple of times til a linerat catches it. We use our last reroll blitzing him over but can't pick up the ball in the rain... and suddenly after another turn or so without anyone it's T7. They see we need a chainpush to get a player in range of the endzone on T8 so their team mostly clears out of the space around the ball, though with a timely stupid roll on the troll (his first) they can't escape everyone. We make the chainpush, then the 3+ pickup and 3+ pass and 4+ catch... and the 2 GFIs to make it 1-1!!
They go for a TTM attempt but the gobbo fails to land and the match ends. GG Burnalot, look forward to a rematch ;)”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Fun and tense game:)”