“8th voyage from port and the Buccaneers can swear the Black sea is swarming with Chaos Dwarfs...Once again they see a ship with hats bobing up and down on the deck...Well we aint falling for that trick again. The Buccaneers use their superior seamanship to sneak up on them at night and proceed for night action...TALLY HO!!!! Get those Hats!!!!
The Buccaneers catch them un aware and use a deft Blitz move to really pin the CD's back. But the Bucs could not hold the advantage, man these guys brawl better than that last crew of CD's, and they beat the Buccaneers back...After 16 turns of engagment the Buccaneers realize that nothing will be gained from the this fight and make a orderly withdrawl to their ship. On the way the Buccaneers pilfer a large shipping trunk from the deck and 3 bottles of rot gut gin....Heading back to port the Buccaneers realize the CD's kept their gold on the top deck in the chest and count out 40,000 GC of plunder....Who keeps their treasure chest on the top deck? lubbers.”
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The Buccaneers catch them un aware and use a deft Blitz move to really pin the CD's back. But the Bucs could not hold the advantage, man these guys brawl better than that last crew of CD's, and they beat the Buccaneers back...After 16 turns of engagment the Buccaneers realize that nothing will be gained from the this fight and make a orderly withdrawl to their ship. On the way the Buccaneers pilfer a large shipping trunk from the deck and 3 bottles of rot gut gin....Heading back to port the Buccaneers realize the CD's kept their gold on the top deck in the chest and count out 40,000 GC of plunder....Who keeps their treasure chest on the top deck? lubbers.”