CTV 1370k Chaos Renegade

14000 (1 FAME)

Human CTV 1400k


No change
#2 Gromrillo – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#3 the Don – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#4 Quanha the last great chief – Dead (RIP)
#10 Bob the Bouncer – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
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Buccaneers board the long boat and are immediatly pounced on...It was a full onslaught...Pile On, Mighty blows and guards all around...the Marauders of motzarella just overcome the Buccaneers and give them a full broadside...Bodies are flying, teeth are knocked out and knees to the groins...the Buccaneers have no answer....As the Buccaneers fall back they are hit by a 50 gallon drum of processed nacho cheese and it blows the remaing bucs to kingdom come...it sets off the the Buccaneers forward powder battery and the Buccaneers are sent to davey jones locker in a cataclysmic explosion.
Glorious death on the high Seas!!!!!!
As the Buccaneers ship breaks up and sinks below the waves the water turns orange from all the cheese in the wake of the I cant think for myself ship.”