“The Hammers set out on their first quest into a inn that is the local haven of the Nurgle cultist....The Hammers blow in the door and immediatly start laying out the blows...It is a back and forth affair for 16 turns. The Nurgle scumm puts up a glorious fight in the bar. Pool sticks cracking, a pool cue ball off a fore head. Post Pattern gets laid out by a big brute who smashes him with a bar stool and then throws him out the window.
But the Hammers roar back after Post Pattern goes flying and get some postioning on the Nurgle scumm, they have their backs against the bar and the Hammers lay into them. Master at Arms Max picks up a whiskey bottle and shatters it over the head of some monstosity that used to be a human. It shatters his jaw and green ooze flys, Master at arms then taks the broken bottle and jams it into the throat and the scumm and sends it gurgling to the after life.
That breaks it for the Nurgle cult they go flying out the door headed in all four directions...Not a bad first outing for the punishers of Sigmar.”
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But the Hammers roar back after Post Pattern goes flying and get some postioning on the Nurgle scumm, they have their backs against the bar and the Hammers lay into them. Master at Arms Max picks up a whiskey bottle and shatters it over the head of some monstosity that used to be a human. It shatters his jaw and green ooze flys, Master at arms then taks the broken bottle and jams it into the throat and the scumm and sends it gurgling to the after life.
That breaks it for the Nurgle cult they go flying out the door headed in all four directions...Not a bad first outing for the punishers of Sigmar.”