“Well a victory at last. Though it didn't begin all that good. First there was the compulsory Riot that held the game up for six turns. (My fans always do this... Well, they're half-mad aren't they?) Then when I "Went for it" with myt catcher he tripped, fell (with a reroll) and died! My apothecary was needed in the first turn of play.<br>
To make matters even worse the Chaos team scored a TD in the remaining time there was. Things looked kind of grim.<br>
But then came the second half and on the TD front, life was smiling at me. The Chaos team didn't manage to pick up the ball/throw it anywhere so my fast catchers (and their Dodge skills) managed to get the ball fast enough were they wanted it whenever the ball fell to the ground. I also had a lucky bounce once that really did it for me. (Irundin Underground stood beside the ball and a Beastman was next to it. One of my players did a blitz and got the pushed back result, I took a chance and pushed him back on the same square as the ball and luckily the ball bounce to me and he picked it up. It isn't every day you get such luck. On the whole there wasn't too many failed dodge-rolls or failed block rolls from my side, so I have to say that lady luck smiled on me.<br>
Except in one area. The area where Chaos teams excel.<br>
Killing and Injuring. Now I have one less Wardancer and no Wardancers at all in the next game... Well these are things you have to live with I suppose. Atleast I won. And it was an enjoyable game too.”
To make matters even worse the Chaos team scored a TD in the remaining time there was. Things looked kind of grim.<br>
But then came the second half and on the TD front, life was smiling at me. The Chaos team didn't manage to pick up the ball/throw it anywhere so my fast catchers (and their Dodge skills) managed to get the ball fast enough were they wanted it whenever the ball fell to the ground. I also had a lucky bounce once that really did it for me. (Irundin Underground stood beside the ball and a Beastman was next to it. One of my players did a blitz and got the pushed back result, I took a chance and pushed him back on the same square as the ball and luckily the ball bounce to me and he picked it up. It isn't every day you get such luck. On the whole there wasn't too many failed dodge-rolls or failed block rolls from my side, so I have to say that lady luck smiled on me.<br>
Except in one area. The area where Chaos teams excel.<br>
Killing and Injuring. Now I have one less Wardancer and no Wardancers at all in the next game... Well these are things you have to live with I suppose. Atleast I won. And it was an enjoyable game too.”