CTV 1270k Nurgle

No change

Human CTV 1140k

11000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Star player Helmut Wulf
#10 Grime – Dead (RIP)
#12 Shavings – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#15 Lux Don of Tilea – Fractured Leg (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
So the Hammers head on out and find them clustered outside of town in a run down hamlet were they converted a 5 man out house into a tavern. Warning do not get a drink at that joint.
So the Hammers call out the name of Sigmar and set to work. The battle is joined and it is a back and forth slug fest. Both sides are not doing much damage but we are trying. "cow paddies" are flying from the outhouse bar keep and the Hammers finally reverse the Nurgles opening moves. They press the advantage and manage to outmanuver the Nurgle scumm and start landing some blows. That is when our fellow Nurgle hater Helmut got the dewalt up and running. The hammers get a really vile rotter, Grime, on the ground and Helmut goes to work. Makes that vile rotter curse Nurgle and forsake the dark Gods and then Helmut administers justice, old school.
As the battle continues to rage Lux Don is battling some rotter and out of the blue he is hit by a triple, extra hard roll of toilet paper in his leg, SNAP! he goes down hard and the Rotter pounces on him, mauls him bad andd Lux Don is lucky to survive the encounter. But the action is not over yet, Master at arms is being hard pressed and calls to Sigmar to guide his hand as he wades into the massive scrum in the middle of the pitch. He lands a blow on a rotter and sends him flying, that rotters head was on a swivel as he crashes to the ground and crawls away. Gorjo enters the fray and squares up a pestigor and Blows him up, rends his arm behind his back, knees him into the torso and then snaps his neck with his powerful blows. But the Nurgle God smiles on his follower and allows him to regenerate his deadly injuries.
After that the Nurgles had to much of the Hammers. They turn tail and run for the woods dragging their wounded and a keg of vile whiskey from the outhouse.
The Hammers enter the outhouse and are dismayed by the altered harlots that have infested the place. Mutants start scrambling for the doors as the Hammers light up the place and set it on fire. After a few moments the fumes from the jacks catches and the place blows up.
Job well done, another Nurgle outpost in the lands of Humanity dispactched with vengance.”