“Well the Hammers were responding to a nurgle out break oustide of Bogenhoffen but it turned out to be a ruse. It seemed that a local merchant was having some problems with some thugs running a racketerring ring were messing with him. He contacted the Hammers under false pretenses and we only found out about this after the local tavern was burned down and all the patrons were beat to a pulp. But the message was sent that Nurgle followers need to watch out.
On the way out of town Hammers stoped at a local tanners to look at some new lizard skinned blood bowl helmets the vendor had to sell..They were nice and very fresh. The Hammers logo would look sharp on those helmets. The Vendor was very concerned because he felt he was being watched and felt that someone was after him. Well the Hammers have no concerns for a lowly wandering tanner and ignored him. They purchase a full team set and off they went.
5 Miles down the road the forest came alive. LIZARDMEN!!!!! Holy smokes what da hell are they doing in the Empire? Well it seems the Hammers were wearing their 5 th cousins skin!!! well it seemed like they were not to happy with their cousins current state of affairs and decided to lay into the innocent and friendly Hammers.
It started out as a smack down in the middle of the road and slowly both sides tried to gain some advantage...But it was slow going. Neither side could land any telling blows and it was just back and forth. Then out of the blue Brogan Shield Basher was lifter into the air and heaved 20 ft into the woods, he landed all wrong on a cut down tree stump and SNAP***8 blown ACL/MCL...Thats got to hurt!!! Well the apoth runs over to Brogan and attempts to reset the knee but stays his hand when he realizes that a stake throuh the heart will no cure a broken knee....but it was to late to save the knee after he realized his mistake.
Well the two sides battle it out on the roadside until the road watch shows up and starts brandishing Halberds and issuing threats of real violence.
So both side need to live with the fact that the 5th cousin of the lizardmen is now the official helmet of the Hammers.
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On the way out of town Hammers stoped at a local tanners to look at some new lizard skinned blood bowl helmets the vendor had to sell..They were nice and very fresh. The Hammers logo would look sharp on those helmets. The Vendor was very concerned because he felt he was being watched and felt that someone was after him. Well the Hammers have no concerns for a lowly wandering tanner and ignored him. They purchase a full team set and off they went.
5 Miles down the road the forest came alive. LIZARDMEN!!!!! Holy smokes what da hell are they doing in the Empire? Well it seems the Hammers were wearing their 5 th cousins skin!!! well it seemed like they were not to happy with their cousins current state of affairs and decided to lay into the innocent and friendly Hammers.
It started out as a smack down in the middle of the road and slowly both sides tried to gain some advantage...But it was slow going. Neither side could land any telling blows and it was just back and forth. Then out of the blue Brogan Shield Basher was lifter into the air and heaved 20 ft into the woods, he landed all wrong on a cut down tree stump and SNAP***8 blown ACL/MCL...Thats got to hurt!!! Well the apoth runs over to Brogan and attempts to reset the knee but stays his hand when he realizes that a stake throuh the heart will no cure a broken knee....but it was to late to save the knee after he realized his mistake.
Well the two sides battle it out on the roadside until the road watch shows up and starts brandishing Halberds and issuing threats of real violence.
So both side need to live with the fact that the 5th cousin of the lizardmen is now the official helmet of the Hammers.